Describe one replacement-based strategy to teach

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133656577


Elopement is defined as the act of Muaz leaving a designated area without adult supervision and returning to the designated area accompanied by an adult. The unauthorized nature of the movement away from a designated person aligns with ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals exhibiting elopement behavior. Elopement can be defined as any movement away from a specified individual or location more than 1.5 meters without permission. Elopement is operationally defined as leaving a selected area without proper authorization or oversight (Cooper et al.,2019). Example: Muaz runs out of the classroom or during transitions without an adult present. Non-example: Muaz runs away from a peer while playing a game of tag.

Observing Muaz's elopement behavior across various scenarios revealed some general antecedents that often preceded the behavior. Transitions between activities, particularly during unstructured times such as free play or shifts from one setting to another, frequently triggered Muaz's elopement. Additionally, Muaz displayed an increased likelihood of engaging in elopement behavior when academic demands increased. These antecedents suggest that changes in routine or heightened expectations may contribute to the occurrence of elopement.

In terms of consequences, the data indicated that Muaz's elopement behavior was often followed by attention from caregivers or staff members. When Muaz engaged in elopement, there was a consistent pattern of adults redirecting him back to the designated area or activity, providing him with the attention he may be seeking. During unstructured play, elopement was sometimes met with Staff prompting Muaz to return to the play area, resulting in attention-focused consequences. Muaz's function of behavior may serve to gain attention from adults. Replacement-based strategies are needed to address the underlying function of Muaz's elopement behavior

Explain how a replacement behavior is connected to the function of the client's problem behavior.

  • The behavior is function-based and connected to the function of the client's problem behavior.
  • Describe one replacement-based strategy to teach and reinforce the replacement behavior and one replacement-based strategy to maintain the replacement behavior. (These strategies needed to be included in your Behavior Intervention Support Plan.)
  • In addition, explain how compassionate approaches were considered when selecting and implementing the strategies.
  • Locate at least two scholarly or professional resources supporting the use of your chosen replacement-based strategy for teaching and reinforcing the replacement behavior. Begin your synthesis of the studies by completing the following.
  • Identify common, relevant ABA concepts, principles, and methods used in the studies and explain how they can be used to modify the behavior identified in your case study.
  • Explain whether the interventions in the studies can be considered compassionate and least intrusive.
  • Make sure to also address the external and internal validity of these studies. For example, did the intervention show a socially significant impact on the behavior? Did the study demonstrate a generalization of the behavior change?
  • Compare the similarities and differences between the interventions in the studies.
  • Locate at least two scholarly or professional resources supporting the use of your chosen replacement-based strategy for maintaining the replacement behavior. Begin your synthesis of the studies by completing the following.
  • Identify common, relevant ABA concepts, principles, and methods used in the studies and explain how they can be used to modify the behavior identified in your case study.
  • Explain whether the interventions in the studies can be considered compassionate and least intrusive.
  • Make sure to also address the external and internal validity of these studies. For example, did the intervention show a socially significant impact on the behavior? Did the study demonstrate a generalization of the behavior change?
  • Compare the similarities and differences between the interventions in the studies.


In 1 to 2 paragraphs, provide a synthesis of the articles and explain how they support the use of your chosen strategies.

Reference no: EM133656577

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