Reference no: EM131045439
Homework 1
"Get to Know" Two Artists Assignment
For this short written assignment, you'll need to find information about two artists* (*designers/architects/illustrators/cinematographers, etc. count as well) whose work is unfamiliar to you. Please choose one artist living and working today and one from the past (no longer living). Your inquiry will include finding out about the artist's biography, connection to art history (was the artist part of a historical movement or style? and familiarizing yourself with his/her artwork (what does it look like? How is it made? What is it about?). You will choose two pieces (one per artist) to reference specifically in your responses (around 500 words total).
Choose two artists whose work really interests you.Do you feel a strong connection with the artwork? You may use the list of artists/designers provided in class as a place to find artist names, but feel free to search elsewhere. The NVCC Library has an extensive art catalogue. Go there and browse! Google at least ten artists before deciding on your final two to study. Be sure that you can find enough of the artists' works online in order to familiarize yourself with it.
Once you've decided on your artists, draft your responses. Please include answers to the following questions in your responses:
1. Where and when was this artist living/working?
2. Is her art well known (found online, in books/textbooks, in the media, etc?)
3. Briefly describe the artist's work: (be specific! A short descriptive sentence will do). Which materials does he/she use? What is the scale of the artwork - large/small? Does it fit into a traditional category (painting, sculpture, installation, film/video, etc.)? Is it considered part of an artistic movement? Is there a common theme, repeated motif in the artist's work?
4. Describe one piece in detail that you find intriguing. Find the title (if given), media, and year that it was made. Find out specific information about the artwork (if you cannot, please choose a different piece) - is there a story behind its making? When or where was it shown? How was it made? What is the relationship between the title and the piece itself? Is it like or unlike other work by the same artist?
5. Describe what interested you most about this piece of artwork (this can often be difficult to pinpoint, but try!). Do you find it relevant today?
6. Last, Please include a brief comparison of the two artist's work overall.
Example: While Chuck Close's and Vincent Van Gogh's portraits were made using similar techniques of broken color application (small pieces of color combining for a larger effect), the paintings feel very different. In my research, I learned that Close's paintings were made with the aid ofgridded photographs and painted square by square on a large scale (much larger than would fit on most house walls). Van Gogh's paintings were painted on an easel and arepersonal in size. He painted from direct observation using a variety of small brushes. The artists' different approaches to painting portraits give their artwork differentreadings. Close's paintings feel contemporary because of their connection with photography and digital images. They feel slightly mechanical, as if made by a printer or a machine. Van Gogh's brushwork and idiosyncratic method of filling in colors and shapes make his paintings feel more personal and intimate.
Homework 2
During our course, you will complete two gallery visits. For each gallery visit, you will need to complete an evaluation of the artworks seen, carefully following the guidelines below. Please include additional observations, questions, opinions that you have!
Your responses should be ~250 words per visit, typed using complete sentences.
Please see the schedule for due dates
Include in your responses:
1. Title of the Exhibition or "show" that you visit, Name of Gallery/Museum, Location, Date of Attendance. Include a brochure or pamphlet and/or a picture of you at the gallery.
2. Briefly describe what is in the exhibition (ex: The show includes figurative wood carvings completed during the 20th century by artists living in Arizona).
3. Pick one or two important pieces (to you!) to highlight in your description. Give a detailed description of these pieces that includes the type of work (ie, painting, drawing, sculpture, installation), media (oil paint, fabric, aluminum), color(s) of the piece, contour or interior lines, types of shapes (curvilinear/geometric/organic, etc.), composition, framing, scale (size relative to humans). What is the subject matter of the piece? (ex: flowers in a vase = subject of a still life painting). What is the location of the piece(s) you chose within the exhibition space?
4. Describe the gallery space. What are the wall colors or decoration? What kind of lighting is used (soft, spotlight, basic fluorescent)? Do you think the space is well-lit? Is there enough wall space for the pieces? Too much wall space?
5. How do the pieces you describe relate to the title of the exhibition? How do they relate to the other pieces included?
6. Finally, What is your reaction to the artwork? On a visceral level, it is interesting/engaging? Why or why not?