Reference no: EM133206663 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages
Assignment Problem: Write about one of the following.
Question 1: Pick a specific weather event (e.g. Hurricane Katrina). Describe how it formed, its environmental and human impacts, and how events like these might change in a warming climate. In the example of hurricanes, good details to provide are general wind directions from large-scale atmospheric cells (e.g. Hadley cells), wind direction from the Coriolis force, and where hurricanes tend to form.
Question 2: Pick a specific weather feature (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc) and describe how they form, their environmental and human impacts, and how they might change in a warming climate.
Question 3: Pick a specific air pollutant and describe natural and anthropogenic emission sources, their human impact, and how they are regulated. Additional key information to include is: residence time of pollutant, trends in emissions in US, and any feedbacks to other systems (also a greenhouse gas)?
Question 4: Your choice - can be about policy or engineering or art, as long as it includes a link to air pollution, weather, or climate systems that we learned about in class.