Describe native americans in united states between 1865-1900

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Reference no: EM133737251 , Length: Words Count:600


600 word essay

How would you describe conditions Native Americans in the United States between 1865 and 1900?

  • Native Americans (you may discuss Native Americans as a single group or focus on a particular tribe.)
  • Begin with an introductory paragraph in which you briefly summarize your topic. In one or a few sentences, express a thesis, or point of view. Your thesis will be a personal response to the question you are answering. (Do not say "I think" in your thesis; state it as a fact.)
  • Body paragraphs will make up the bulk of your essay. Use the body paragraphs to support and defend your thesis. Remember that each body paragraph should include a topic sentence. Other sentences in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.
  • Essay should have a concluding paragraph. Summarize what you have said in the essay and boldly recap your ideas. Do NOT simply restate your thesis.

Need to use an online source. Your source MUST be scholarly.

An online source, should be reliable. AVOID social media such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as informal chatrooms and discussion groups.

To find a trustworthy source, ask yourself:

  • Who maintains this site?
  • What is the purpose or goal of this site?

A online search about the source and see what other people say about it. (Wikipedia may be helpful in identifying sources but do not use it for your paper.) Use an educational website-one maintained by a school, museum, professional study guide, encyclopedia, etc.

  • Present a clear thesis statement about the group's situation between 1865 and 1900.
  • Discuss two events that affected the group's situation during this time, noting the effects of each event.
  • Explain how the group's situation changed between 1865 and 1900.
  • Use a scholarly source to provide information. Cite ideas and facts from your source using the Chicago Manual of Style. In your paper, place an endnote (superscript number) after information you got from your source. You may use several endnotes. List your citations at the end of your paper.

Use essay format effectively-each body paragraph should have a topic sentence; each topic sentence should support your thesis. Also, your paper should be free of mistakes and spelling errors.

Reference no: EM133737251

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