Describe modifications you will make in planning the event

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133444377


You have a proposed activity that aims to develop a feeling of belonging and connection among students, faculty, and community members while also fostering a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. In order to deepen connections, foster community, and effect good change, the event will bring together students, instructors, and staff from the school and the surrounding area. The proposed event is an all-day event that will bring together students, faculty, and staff from the campus and community to engage in meaningful conversations and activities that strengthen relationships, build community, and create positive change.

The event will be held on the quad of the campus and will include activities such as team building, educational seminars, speeches, and live performances that explore topics such as diversity, inclusion, and respect. Stakeholders who would be involved in the execution of the proposed event: The stakeholders involved in the execution of the proposed event would include student affairs staff, campus departments, student organizations, local community organizations, and other members of the campus and community.

  • Briefly describe the event.
  • Explain how you will collaborate with student leaders in preparation of the community event to build a healthy higher education community.
  • Describe modifications you will make in planning the event
  • Describe the strategic advantages the student leaders have over student affairs staff in fostering healthy community in this situation.
  • Discuss how you will coach student leaders toward success without overshadowing the responsibilities they had been given.
  • Explain how you will apply what you have learned about coaching student leaders to your future practice.

Reference no: EM133444377

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