Describe mixed experiences that mahindan had of sri lanka

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133538762


Sharon Bala's The Boat People Part 1 (chapters 1-15)

1. What observations and experiences do Priya, Mitchell, Grace and Gigovaz each have of the refugee determination process in this first part of the novel?

2. Explain what happened at Mahindan's first detention review and when he was interviewed by Priya and Charlika? That is, summarize the different perspectives and experiences that the characters had in these encounters.

3. What view did the government take toward the 2009 Tamil refugee claimants? Note what Minister Fred Blair says and is reported to have said, including the advice or instructions he gives to Grace.

4. Describe the mixed experiences that Mahindan had of Sri Lanka. Note the hopes and dreams he had when he was there, how the political situation began to deteriorate, and how Mahindan coped with his worry about the future.

Reference no: EM133538762

Questions Cloud

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