Describe methods used for fire cause determination

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Reference no: EM132191215


Fire Officers are required to investigate fires and prepare incident reports as part of their responsibility. By successfully completing this assignment, you would have achieved the following learning outcome.

- Interpret the process of investigating and reporting in the context of the management and leadership role of the fire safety manager/officer

The assignment requires you to answer the following questions. Each question is worth 20 marks.

1. What information should be contained in a good Fire Investigation Report?
2. Read the following article and answer the question below:

Question: How would you identify by interviewing if a fire incident is an Arson Article: A field guide to Incident Analysis by Ed Comeau and Ronal Tunkel

3. Identify & Describe methods used for fire cause determination
4. Identify & Describe techniques of interviewing witnesses
5. Critically review the attached fire investigation report in terms of contents and availability of necessary information.

* You should use NFPA 921 Guide for Fire & Explosion Investigation, 2017 (available free read only from NFPA website) or Kirk's Fire Investigation (available from ICEM library) for 3 & 4

- This is an individual assignment
- Approximate words count 2000 words
- In the light of authenticity of the coursework submitted, an individual viva may be conducted to establish the genuineness of the work
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented


1. Use preferably Microsoft Word for word processing

2. Page setup
Use A4 paper size settings and use 2.5cm margins all around,

3. The Section Headings:
Title case, Arial, font size 14, bold, left aligned.

4. Body text
Body text is Times New Roman 12 point, single-spaced with no paragraph spacing attached before or after. Text is justified. Leave one blank line between paragraphs.

5. Page Numbers
The pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page

6. All symbols and abbreviations must be defined, and used only when absolutely necessary.

7. The number of words must be shown at the end of the work submitted. The title page, acknowledgements page and contents page will not count; neither will the list of reference at the end of the work.

Verified Expert

This report has been helpful in pointing out the necessary steps should be followed in developing a fire investigation report.The documentation of methods in the interview process are useful while conducting any serious or crime related investigation in the future. This report is also helpful in scientific methods and its validity in fire causes determination process.Moreover, the critical analysis of Boston fire incident is an effective example of how this type of reports should be written with specific facts.

Reference no: EM132191215

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12/11/2018 9:25:55 PM

Notes: • This is an individual assignment • Approximate words count 2000 words • In the light of authenticity of the coursework submitted, an individual viva may be conducted to establish the genuineness of the work • It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented • The report must be Word processed • The report must be submitted via UCLan Blackboard Turnitin Referencing: All academic writing must be referenced, if you use other people’s ideas without referencing them you are plagiarising their work. Follow Harvard system of referencing within your text.


12/11/2018 9:25:39 PM

(Tick in the appropriate box) You should not reveal your name or any identity on the assignment submitted, failing to which your submission will be invalid. You are required to word process this assessment. • This paper contains 1 task • Answer the questions / complete the tasks fully with all possible evidence for achieving the learning outcome/s. • This assessment is worth 60% of the module mark.

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