Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133007923

BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Assessment instructions

Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task.

Activity 1A


PC1.1 Serve as a positive role model in the workplace through personal work planning
Foundation skill: Interact with others, Get the work done

1. What is ‘personal work planning'?

2. List three aspects of personal work planning.

3. Read an introduction of Tesla and answer questions below.

a.) If you work as a manager in Tesla. How would you present yourself as a role model in the workplace regarding managing a good personal work planning?

Learner guideline: Assuming that you are a manager in your related field; for example, if you are studying in Automotive field, you are a manager of automotive engineer department. If you are studying in Business filed, are are a manager of marketing or sales department.

b.) Will the way you communicate your work plan be different between your team and your customers? Please explain in detail.
c.) Give at least two examples of technology that you can improve your work planning efficiency. Explain how to use the identified technology.

Activity 1B


PC1.2 Ensure personal work goals, plans and activities reflect the organisation's plans, and own responsibilities and accountabilities.
Foundation skill: Reading, Navigate the world of work, Get the work done

1. Imagine that you are graduated from your selected qualification. What is your work goal?
Learner Guideline: Make sure that you set your goal by applying SMART concept.

2. Assuming that your first work goal is to get a job in Tesla.
Search for a job advertisement in Tesla website. Select the position which is related to your qualification. Screenshot the job title, job description, skills and knowledge requirements, and paste below. Identify at least five skills and knowledges required for the job. If there is any license required, you must include in your answer.

Learner Guideline: The job advertisement that you select should contain detail as follows:
- Job description/responsibility
- Knowledge and skill requirement
- License/ qualification requirements (if applicable)
So it helps you to identify required skills and knowledge for the job easier.
If there is no position in Tesla relates to your qualificaiton, learners can select one job position from other sources.

3. Refer to the knowledge and skills you are identified in Question 2 Activity 1B, you are required to rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (10 is the highest score).

4. Write action plan to achieve score 10 for knowledge and skills that you are lack of.
Learner guideline: Complete the template below.
Goal - You are required to set up a goal for knowledge/ skills that you would like to improve and/or license that you would like to acquire.
Action - You are required to write activities that can help you to achieve your goal.
Priority - High priority means you need to get it done as soon as possible.
Medium priority means you still have sometime to plan and do the activities. It is a medium-term goal.
Low priority means you can leave it at the last activity since the goal is a long-term goal.

5. Read Tesla introduction and Tesla's business plan provided above, and explain how does your goal and plan can help the company to achieve its business plan goal?

6. How does your work plan relate to your roles and responsibilities in the company?

7. Regardless type of business your are doing or company you are working for, accountability in customer service is crucial. How does your work plan relate to customer service accountability in the company? If there is no relation between the plan and accountability, please explain how would you adjust your plan to cover your accountability in the workplace.

Activity 1C

PC1.3 Measure and maintain personal performance in varying work conditions, work contexts and when contingencies occur
Foundation skill: Get the work done

1. Imagine that you are working as a customer service in Tesla. Your role is to provide technical advice about the product and service provided by Tesla. How would you monitor your work performance? (Give at least 3 examples of measurements)

2. During Covid pandemic situation, the company apply additional work health and safety condition such as 1.5 metres social distancing, wearing mask , and maintaining good hygiene. Explain how you maintain work performance when work condition change.

3. Due to travel restriction and lockdown, the company decided to provide virtual consultation to customers which means you will need to service customers online.
Explain how you maintain work performance when the situation change.

4. Read a case scenario below and answer a question.
During provide a consultation to your customer virtually, the internet from your customer side is cut. What will you do not to fail your work performance?

Activity 2A

PC2.1 Take initiative to prioritise and facilitate competing demands to achieve personal, team and organisational goals and objectives
PC2.2 Use technology efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
Foundation skill: Navigate the world of work, Get the work done

Read a case scenario below and answer questions.
You are working at AutoMed company, and your company has Tesla as its role model.
AutoMed would like to use more technology and improve work efficiency. AutoMed management team believes that technologies such as machine vision, Artificial Intelligence and virtual consultation can reduce human errors significantly. Therefore, service recovery costs and waste can be reduced. You can find more information about Machine vision in additional reading articles called ‘Top 4 Automation Technologies used in Automotive Industry' and ‘What is machine vision and how is it used in business today?'. The additional readings are provided on the Learning management system.
1. Referring to the scenario above, you are required to outline at least one goal of the company, yourself and the team.
2. To bring technology to use in the company, you will need to think about a change management plan such as
- Training
- Risk
- Resistance
- Cost and Benefit

a.) Describe your plan. What will you do to support yourself and your team to achieve the company goal? Give at least 5 examples.
b.) Identify at least one objective of each activity you listed in Activity 2A Question 2 a.).
c.) Explain the prioritisation in your plan.
Learner Guideline: You are required to prioritise the activities you listed in Activity 2A Question 2 a.).

3. Describe your plan if you are assigned to organise a training for your team members. The training is to help them achieve themselves, the team and the company's goal.
Learner Guideline: You can choose between (i) Training about machine vision (ii) Training about Virtual consultation. You must complete the table below.

4. You are required to use Microsoft Excel to create a Gantt chart to plan your training.
Learner Guideline: You can refer to an example of a Gantt chart below. You must make sure that you provide information below in your Gantt chart.
• Task
• Responsible person name
• Progression
• Start date and expected end date
• Priority (High, Medium, Low)
• Timeline (please colour it)

Activity 2B


PC2.3 Maintain appropriate work-life balance, and ensure stress is effectively managed and health is attended to.
Foundation skill: Get the work done

Read a scenario below and answer questions.
In the Covid-19 situation, companies redundant a lot of employees to maintain cash flow in the business. Due to less manpower, the workload has been increasing significantly. Your colleague, Emily is stressed about the workload and the work due date is approaching. She comes to talk to you and ask for your suggestion. What will you suggest to her about (i) how to maintain work-life balance (ii) how to manage stress and maintain good health.

1. What will be your suggestion on how to maintain a work-life balance?

2. What will be your suggestion on how to manage stress and maintain good health?

Activity 3A

PC3.1 Assess personal knowledge and skills against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans
PC3.2 Seek feedback from employees, clients and colleagues and use this feedback to identify and develop ways to improve competence
PC3.4 Participate in networks to enhance personal knowledge, skills and work relationships
PC3.5 Identify and develop new skills to achieve and maintain a competitive edge
Foundation skills: Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication, Get the work done, Interact with others.

1. You are required to assess your knowledge and skills in the criteria below.
Learner Guideline: If you are studying in the Automotive field, please use Table 1, but if you are studying other qualifications, please use Table 2.
You are required to rate your knowledge and skill from 1 (lowest)-5 (highest). If you have never studied or do not have prior knowledge and skill on a particular topic before, please give a score of 1.
2. List all knowledge and skills that you score yourself lower than 4. Prioritise the knowledge and skill that you would like to improve first by adding ranking in the table.
3. How would you develop your competency for the knowledge and skills (in rank 1-3)?
4. Read the scenario below and answer the question.
Referring to a case scenario in Activity 2A, you are working at AutoMed. The company would like to utilise new technology in the business such as Machine vision and Virtual consultation. You would like to seek an opinion from stakeholders such as employees, colleagues and customers in order to identify professional development needs. As a result, you organise a meeting with them to seek feedback and developing a personal development planning.
a.) You are required to form a group of 3-4 people or as instructed by the trainer, and discuss how would you develop the skills listed below:
• Teamwork
• Self-learning
• Self-discipline
• Leadership
• Work ethics
Learner Guideline: Each group member must choose his/her role (employee, client, colleague). This activity must be observed by the trainer. Learners are required to write a summary of the discussion in Learner workbook.
b.) Select one (1) skill from Activity 3A Question 4 a.) and create a personal development plan.

c.) You received an invitation for a company networking. In the event, you will meet management team and managers from different departments. Moreover, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla motor and Melanie Silva, a managing director of Google Australia will be guest speakers at this event. After they finish the session, you are selected from the management team to ask a question to either Elon Musk or Melanie Silva. What will you ask them in order to improve your knowledge, skills and work relationship?

Activity 3B

PC3.3 Identify, evaluate, select and use development opportunities suitable to personal learning style(s) to develop competence
Foundation skills: Learning

1. Read a case scenario below and answer questions
Case scenario:
Adam and Jane would like to learn about how to use machine vision. Adam has a kinesthetic learning style. He is very good at all practical skills. On the other hand, Jane has a visual learning style. She is good at critical thinking and creative work. The company sets up a few plans to provide professional development sessions to the employees includes;
• Workshop session
• Conference where the attendants only listen to the guest speaker
• Training session where it has a combination of lecture and activities
• Provide manual to employees

a.) What type of professional development session is suitable for (i) Jane (ii) Adam and (iii) both Jane and Adam? Please provide at least one reason for your answer.

b.) Why do you think that other types of training, that you did not select in Activity 3B Question 1 a.), are not suitable for Jane?
c.) Why do you think that other types of training, that you did not select in Activity 3B Question 1 a.), are not suitable for Adam?

Knowledge Activity
Learner Guideline: You should answer each question in detail.
1. Explain at least two principles and two techniques (tools) of performance measurements

2. Explain at least two principles and two techniques (tools) of personal behaviour, self-awareness and personality traits identification

3. Explain at least two principles and two techniques (tools) of a personal development plan.

4. Explain at least two principles and two techniques (tools) of a personal goal setting

5. Explain at least two principles and two techniques (tools) of time management

6. Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance

7. Read Professional Development policy of Western Sydney University
7.1 What is professional development?
7.2 What can be included in an individual professional development plan?
(Give three examples)

7.3 Explain procedures of Internal University Professional Development Providers.

8. Explain types of learning style/s and how they relate to the individual

9. Describe types of work methods and practices that can improve personal performance

Attachment:- Manage personal work priorities.rar

Reference no: EM133007923

Questions Cloud

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Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance : Explain procedures of Internal University Professional Development Providers and Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance
Deferred compensation in an executive contract is used : Deferred compensation in an executive contract is used to create? Increase profitsIncrease motivationSense of teamworkA sense of ownership
Describe some of the various forms of groups : Describe some of the various forms of groups and discuss how organizations can and are using groups to enhance employee satisfaction and performance.
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