Describe matters that auditor communicate to audit committee

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131601105

Discussion Questions- Auditing Class

Please answer the following 5 discussion questions inatleast 100 words per question. Do not answer them as an essay. Please answer them under the question set.

1. Describe the purpose of a financial statement disclosure checklist and explain how it helps the auditor determine if there is sufficient appropriate evidence for each of the presentation and disclosure objectives.

2. Explain why auditors' reports are important to users of financial statements and why it is desirable to have standard wording.

3. Distinguish between a contingent liability and an actual liability and give three examples of each.

4. Describe matters that the auditor must communicate to audit committees of public companies.

5. What four circumstances are required for a standard unqualified report to be issued?

Reference no: EM131601105

Questions Cloud

Find the differential effect on income for the new machine : Starling Co is considering disposing of a machine with book value of $23,700, The differential effect on income for the new machine for the entire five years is
Treatment for suspected gonorrhea is : Pong-tai is a 12-month-old child who is being treated with amoxicillin for acute otitis media. His parents call the clinic and say he has developed diarrhea.
Discuss three nonfinancial metrics and explain significance : As the Learning Exercise states, you are the business manager who has been tasked with researching the financial viability of opening a satellite clinic.
Define concepts of juvenile delinquency : concepts of juvenile delinquency and must demonstrate an understanding of the content and internal logic of the theories
Describe matters that auditor communicate to audit committee : Describe matters that the auditor must communicate to audit committees of public companies. Why auditors' reports are important to users of financial statement.
First-line therapy for hyperlipidemia is : Robert, age 51 years, has been told by his primary care provider (PCP) to take an aspirin a day. Why would this be recommended?
Complete vertical and horizontal analysis : Complete vertical and horizontal analysis for the 2 most recent annual reports. What does this financial information reveal about company's overall performance
What population is trafficked to each of selected countries : What population is trafficked to each of your selected countries. Do you notice any differences between the populations trafficked
Identify the personal and professional values : Envision that you are a Human Services worker at the local Community Family Homeless shelter. You are preparing for the Holiday gift giving event by matching.


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