Describe life for enslaved people

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Reference no: EM133535910


1. Describe life for an enslaved people. What restrictions and horrors did they face? How might slave life differ in different parts of the country? What are some concrete examples of slave experiences? After you have answered these questions, explain how enslaved people resisted slavery - in both small/daily and larger ways. In your answer, be sure to give several specific examples of people, events, laws, writings, etc. to back up your arguments.

2. What were the steps that led to the Civil War? What was the process by which the Civil War came about? In the answer, be sure to cover not only military actions, but ideas, economic developments, and social realities. It must address FOUR of the following topics: slavery, westward expansion, the election of Abraham Lincoln, the economy and society of the North, the economy and society of the South, the firing on Fort Sumter, the political compromises of the 1850s.

Reference no: EM133535910

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