Describe information system for different strategic decision

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13894625

1. Give an example of three different operational decisions that Singing Valley personnel make each day. Describe an information system that could be used to facilitate those decisions.

2. Give an example of three different managerial decisions that Singing Valley managers make each week. Describe an information system that could be used to facilitate those decisions.

3. Give an example of three different strategic decisions that Singing Valley's owners might make in a year. Describe an information system for each.

Reference no: EM13894625

Questions Cloud

Describe how google processed the changes to your document : Sign in on your second account. Re-open the shared document. From the File menu, save the document as a Word document. Describe how Google processed the changes to your document.
What would be the advantage of concerted inhibition? : what would be the advantage of concerted inhibition?
Applied to the behaviour of oligopolists : 1.What is meant by the prisoners dilemma game when applied to the behaviour of oligopolists? What will determine the outcome of the game?
Assumes that firm did not maximize its profit before change : If the firm has not chosen an efficient production, it is sometimes possible to produce more of the good at a lower cost. However, that assumes that the firm did not maximize its profit before the change.
Describe information system for different strategic decision : Give an example of three different operational decisions that Singing Valley personnel make each day. Describe an information system that could be used to facilitate those decisions.
Compound growth rate : What is the 2001- 2012 compound growth rate? Using the result obtained in part a, what is your 2013 projections?
What ways do the consumers gain or lose : 1.Think of two examples of price discrimination. In what ways do the consumers gain or lose? What information would you need to be certain in your answer?
Appropriate for describing the data : 1) Explain when and why a histogram is appropriate for describing the data. 2) Explain when and why a Bar Graph is appropriate for describing the data.
How much must one increase capital : The marginal rate of technical substitution is MRTS = ΔK/ΔL , If labor input, L, is decreased by one unit, by how much must one increase capital, K, to hold production constant? The answer is given by MRTS.


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