Describe in detail the purpose of the website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131177848

Assignment: Analysis Document


This semester you are required to analyse, design and develop a Personal Website that is:

• Small, unique and professional in appearance;
• About yourself and your career ambitions;
• A portfolio of your achievements; and
• A showcase to future potential employers.

This task runs the entire semester and is broken down into three assignments.

In this first assignment, students are required to prepare an "Analysis document" which will analyse the needs, target audience and competition of the personal website. This analysis should help to inform upon your designs for the "Design document".

It is important that you follow the structure of the assignment on the next page when preparing the Analysis Document.

Analysis Document Structure

Each student is required to prepare an Analysis document, in the format of a report. A report generally consists of a number of pages with section headings and sub-headings. Page numbers are required on every page except the cover page. For ease of reading and marking it is suggested you also provide a Table of Contents to the individual sections of the report.

Use the following structure for the creation of your Analysis document. Before handing in your assignment, make sure that all sections are present and that they contain the information required.

1. Needs Analysis

(The Needs Analysis is step 1 of the Design Phase, and is described in Lecture 2. An exercise in Lab 1 instructs how to perform a needs analysis.)


Detailed Description of the website you will be designing and building, including a title/name for the website.


Describe in detail the purpose of the website. Why is it needed? Who will benefit from the website? The purpose should relate to the target audience. Think of this website as a real-world scenario with a real purpose (the purpose should not be that you are required to design and build a website for this course).

2. Target Audience Analysis

(The Target Audience Analysis is step 2 of the Design Phase, and is described in Lecture 2. An exercise in Lab 2 instructs how to perform a target audience analysis.)


Think about two of the main potential users you will be targeting for your website. Describe in detail the demographics of these users. Discuss their Age, Gender, Education Level, and Interests. Additional demographics may be Background, Race, Disabilities, Employment Status, and Location if needed.


Justify why you are targeting these specific users and their demographics, and excluding other types.

3. Competitive Analysis

(The Competitive Analysis is step 3 of the Design Phase, and is described in Lecture 2. An exercise in Lab 3 instructs how to perform a competitive analysis.)

Good Website

Use the instructions in the week 3 lab class to conduct a competitive analysis of any individual's personal website that you believe to be well-designed and that you like.

Average Website

Use the instructions in the week 3 lab class to conduct a competitive analysis of any individual's personal website that you believe to be average or ordinary, that you equally like and dislike, or feel indifferent about. You may find some well- designed elements, together with some poorly-designed elements, affecting the overall quality of the website.

Poor Website

Use the instructions in the week 3 lab class to conduct a competitive analysis of any individual's personal website that you believe to be poorly-designed and you dislike.

Summary of Good & Poor Designs

Using dot points; make a summary list of all the well-designed elements you could potentially use in your own designs, and the poorly-designed elements you want to avoid.

4. Appendix

Screenshots of Websites

Take a screenshot of the home page of each website that you analysed and place the screenshots in this section.


List any references you have used for this document (including referencing the home page URLs for your competitive analysis) in APA Style format.

Reference no: EM131177848

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