Reference no: EM132314327 , Length: word count : 1000
Group Project Deliverable
Write-up Outline:
• Purpose of the evaluation - over-arching. Then state the most up to date versions of:
• Clearly state the over-arching program goal or aim - this should link the program activities to broad epidemiological/health goals
• Briefly describe how the program activities will be implemented
• The key evaluation question to be answered, specific to your program
• Sub-questions - should be more closely linked to different program activities
• Study design
• What study design will be used? (Could be a combination)
• Justification of the selected study design - you must address the following:
• IF an experimental design is selected, describe clearly HOW randomization will be carried out, and WHY this is possible. Specifically address ethical and political feasibility issues.
• IF a quasi-experimental design is selected, describe clearly HOW the comparison group will be selected, and WHAT issues might affect comparability, and HOW the selection strategy addresses these potential threats to comparability. Specifically address WHY you chose this method of maximizing comparability.
• If you have not used experimental or quasi-experimental design, clearly state why this study design is most appropriate, and will allow you to answer the evaluations questions. Explain how and why ethical, political, logistical, budget, time, or comparability concerns affected the study design choice.
• Explain if the evaluation will use a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches, and why
• Which key indicators/evaluation questions will be addressed by each approach?
• Describe the sampling approaches you will use for qualitative v. quantitative; be specific to each indicator or evaluation question if you need to.
• Analysis plan
• What will your analysis allow you to say? (Think about how you would present the findings)
• How will you determine whether the intervention was effective or not?
• Describe how your program theory guides the analysis plan
• Describe how you will infer causality - how will you use the comparison areas, or program theory, or both?
• How will you determine whether implementation of the intervention went according to plan or not?
• Strengths and limitations of the proposed evaluation plan
• In terms of inferring causality
• In terms of threats to validity (all components)
• Dissemination plan and use of information - How will you communicate findings? To whom?
Annexes to the write-up:
1. Program theory- this will be reviewed in light of the study design and the indicators, not "re-graded". We want to assess: Does the theory seem to form the foundation for the evaluation plan?
2. Program Impact Annotation table - this should reflect the current program theory, not a previous version.
3. Summary evaluation plan table of indicators: The indicators should reflect different stages along the program theory pathway, should be well and clearly defined, SMART to the extent possible. The data collection methods and sources should be appropriate for the indicator, feasible, and likely to generate accurate and complete information for the indicator. The sample and frequency of measurement proposed should be appropriate and feasible. Overall, the indicators detailed in the table should be ones that are important for answering the (most current) evaluation questions.
Deliverable : Evaluation Questions
Overall Question:
By how much did the program increase DOTS completion for TB-positive prisoners in the Samara Oblast Penitentiary System Prison Colonies #19 and #23 and TB-positive parolees during the two-year timeframe, and did this translate into a decrease in tuberculosis incidence in the indicated program timeframe?
Sub-question 1 (Activity 1):
What was the program's impact on TB diagnosis rates for prisoners and staff in Prison Colonies #19 and #23 in the indicated program timeframe?
Sub-question 2 (Activity 2):
What was the program's impact on DOTS completion in TB-positive prisoners in prison colonies #19 and #23 and TB-positive parolees during the program timeframe?
Sub-question 3 (Activity 3):
How effective was the tracking system in monitoring TB-positive parolees, and how did this activity contribute to enforcing DOTS completion in this population within the indicated program timeframe?
TB Control in the Samara Oblast Prisoner and Parolee Population: A Pilot Program
Russian Prison TB Control Task Force By Tara Parker, Jenna Crowther, Nicole Butler, Kathleen Carlson, Helen Fisun, and Julia Song