Reference no: EM131377401
Assignment #1
You are to find an organization's corporate safety policy....that is, one that is either signed by the President/CEO or is clearly representative of Senior Management's position on safety within the organization. For purposes of this exercise you should de-identify the organization.
Place yourself in the role of an employee of this organization and;
1) Evaluate the Corporate Safety Policy; does it convey what you think it ought to? In other words, what are your perceptions of management, merely from this policy statement?
2) Tell me what it is that you do really like (if anything) about this policy statement.
3) Conversely, tell me what you do not like (if anything) about this policy statement.
From the safety policy that you identified as part of Assignment #1, you are to complete the following:
4. From the policy statements are explicit or implied commitments that the organization (IE the CEO or other Senior Executive) is making with respect to safety and health? You are to create a list of Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) for this policy.
5. For each of the KPI's, be specific on the outcome of a successfully implemented and completed KPI
6. Describe how you would propose to measure each KPI.... remember what is measured gets done!
7. Lastly, describe how you would audit (gather evidence) the safety policy.
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