Describe how you would like to involve the department heads

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Reference no: EM133247381 , Length: Word count: 1000 Words

Assignment - Online Consultants Entry Into the Organization MEMO

Description - In unit 1 we will review the consultant's entry into the organization. During this week, we will review an introduction to organizational development, the nature of planned change, the OD practitioner, as well as entering and contracting.

Write a memo to the department heads of Pegasus to describe the goals of the change initiative, which is the reorganization. In this memo, you must do the following:

1. Gain the trust of the department heads by offering a clear explanation of the need for change.

2. Briefly outline the steps you may use to facilitate this change process.

3. Describe how you would like to involve the department heads with this process.

Reading material - Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2019). Making Sense of Change Management (5th ed.). Kogan Page.

Reference no: EM133247381

Questions Cloud

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