Describe how you will promote healthy habits and behaviors

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Reference no: EM133573285

Assignment: Elementary Methods

As teachers, we have many responsibilities-with some that reach beyond academic instruction in the classroom. One of the most important things we can do is to advocate for our students' health and wellness. A great way to advocate for health and wellness is to share with all stakeholders your strategies for encouraging students' healthy behaviors, active lifestyles, and safety in the classroom. In this assessment, you create a presentation to be shared with parents and caregivers about how you will promote healthy and active behaviors and a safe environment at school.


It's time for your school's annual Health and Wellness Fair, and your administrator has requested that teachers at each grade level create a presentation to be shared with parents and caregivers at the fair.


Choose a grade level between K-5th grade to use as the basis for this assessment.


Use the Health and Wellness Advocacy Presentation Template to create a 10 to 12 slides presentation in which you communicate important health and wellness information to your students' parents and caregivers.

The presentation template contains slides that correspond with the headings below. You can add additional slides for each section, as needed. Include the following information for each section in your presentation:

1) Introduction: Identify your selected grade level and explain the purpose of the presentation.

2) Active Lifestyle and Fitness: Explain what is meant by the phrase active lifestyle and fitness and how you will support students of your selected grade level in their development via the following:

3) Classroom Practices: Describe how you will promote an active lifestyle and fitness to students through your classroom's environment and in your instructional practice.

4) Resources: Identify the school and community resources that may be available to students related to establishing and maintaining an active lifestyle and fitness, including a brief description of their purpose.

5) Healthy Habits and Behaviors: Explain what is meant by the phrase healthy habits and behaviors and how you will support students of your selected grade level in their development via the following:

6) Classroom Practices: Describe how you will promote healthy habits and behaviors to students through your classroom's environment and in your instructional practice.

7) Resources: Identify the school and community resources that may be available to students related to establishing and maintaining healthy habits and behaviors, including a brief description of their purpose.

8) Social and Emotional Learning: Explain what is meant by social and emotional learning competencies and how you will support students of your selected grade level in their development via the following:

9) Classroom Practices: Describe how you will promote social and emotional learning to students through your classroom's environment and in your instructional practice.

10) Resources: Identify the school and community resources that may be available to students related to enhancing social and emotional learning, including a brief description of how they support students' life skills development.

11) Bullying Prevention and Awareness: Explain the importance of teaching bullying prevention and awareness education to your students, including how you will support this via the following:

12) Classroom Practices: Describe how you will promote bullying prevention and awareness to students in your classroom's environment and in your instructional practice.

13) Resources: Identify the school and community resources that may be available to students related to bullying prevention and awareness, including a brief description of their purpose.

14) References: Cite 3 to 5 references to support your presentation. Format your citations and references for sources and images according to APA guidelines.

To accompany your presentation, create a 1-page handout for your audience of parents and caregivers. Describe strategies, tips, and recommendations that they can use at home to help students with the following:

1) Establishing and maintaining an active lifestyle and fitness
2) Establishing and maintaining healthy habits and behaviors
3) Developing social and emotional learning competencies
4) Employing bullying prevention and awareness skills.

Reference no: EM133573285

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