Reference no: EM131235462
An important element of total quality management is employee empowerment. Refer to the module resources for several articles about employee empowerment. After reviewing these articles, think about whether you have ever been empowered at your job. Based on your answer, respond to the appropriate prompts below.
For those who have been empowered:
Describe how you were empowered at your job and how this made you feel as an employee.
Chapter 14 of the textbook identifies nine implicit promises to employees. Identify and explain which two promises, in your opinion, provide the most benefit for the employee and organization in relation to your example of empowerment.
For those who have not been empowered:
Provide your opinion of why your company does not embrace the concept of employee empowerment.
Chapter 14 of the textbook identifies four preconditions that are necessary for empowerment. Identify and explain which two preconditions are lacking in your company and how they impede the empowerment process.
Finally, provide a description of how your views about quality have changed since the beginning of this course.
Provide at least two detailed responses to other students' posts about their empowerment experience. When responding to other posts, compare and contrast your empowerment experiences. Also, comment on your fellow students' views about quality.