Describe how you meet your students needs in a way

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Reference no: EM133595365

Unit planning is a time-consuming process but necessary to provide an overview of the collective lessons. Taking time to plan the alignment of standards and objectives, materials, technology, and assessments is important to a well-structured classroom. In addition, upon identifying students' needs in an inclusive classroom, as well as aligning content standards, strategies may be created to benefit all students. Teachers are then able to begin the implementation process. Implementing identified intervention strategies during instruction will not only help to meet the students' needs, but also help teachers to identify where to monitor and adjust instruction as needed. Planning, implementing, evaluating, and planning again is an ongoing, cyclical process when working with all students.

Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Part 1: Collaborate with Mentor Teacher

Meet with your mentor teacher to discuss the student/s you will be working with to implement your Topic 3 Clinical Field Experience B intervention plan. Review the needs of each student, including any IEP, 504, behavior plan, or other relevant documentation. Collaborate with your mentor teacher to determine each of your roles during the lesson and how you will work together to meet the diverse learning needs of students in the classroom. Discuss how you will ensure students are engaged and mastering the learning content while implementing your intervention plan.

Part 2: Implement Strategies and Interventions

With your mentor's permission, work with the same student/s on the lesson discussed in Topic 3 Clinical Field Experience B or a current lesson chosen by the mentor teacher. Implement the engagement strategies and interventions suggested in Clinical Field Experience B.

In addition, discuss your upcoming 3-day unit plan assignment in this topic with your mentor teacher. This assignment is based on the standards and learning objectives from the Topic 2 Social Studies and the Arts assignment. Ask for any suggestions that could help you in completing the Social Studies and the Arts: 3-day Unit Plan.

Spend any remaining field experience hours observing or assisting the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Information from topic 2 below:

Standards: • SS.5. A.1: Examine primary and secondary sources to explain important historical occurrences in the United States. • VA.5. C.1: Produce visual works of art that show an understanding of color theory and its uses. Objectives: • Students will use primary and secondary sources to explain the causes and effects of a specific event in U.S. history while integrating color theory concepts into their artistic representation.

Part 3: Reflection

In 250-500 words, reflect on your small group instruction and discussion with your mentor teacher. Consider the following:

How did the intervention plan support learning in the inclusive classroom? Describe how you meet your students' needs in a way that promotes human flourishing. Provide specific examples from your implementation but include pseudonyms to protect student identity.
If the lesson was cross-curricular, how did the integrated content areas engage students? If it was not a cross-curricular lesson, how could integrating other content areas better engage students with this lesson?

What guidance or feedback did your mentor teacher provide you on your upcoming 3-day unit plan? How will you incorporate what you observed in your mentor's classroom and/or their feedback into your unit plan?

Reference no: EM133595365

Questions Cloud

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Describe how you meet your students needs in a way : Describe how you meet your students needs in a way that promotes human flourishing. Provide specific examples from your implementation but include pseudonyms
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What are a firms choices for compensation-level strategy : What are a firm's choices for compensation-level strategy and how can it decide between these choices?


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