Describe how you have represented weak entities

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13700672

Answer the following questions and provide the answer in details:

Question 1: Convert this data model to a database design.  Specify tables, primary keys, and foreign keys, using figure 6-41 as a guide, specify column properties.

Question 2:  Describe how you have represented weak entities, if any exist.

Question 3:  Describe how you have represented super type and subtype entities, if any exist.

Question 4: Create a visual representation of your database design as a crow's Foot E-R diagram similar to the one in figure 6-37.

Question 5: Document your minimum cardinality enforcement using referential integrity actions for required parents, if any, and the form in figure 6-28(b) for required children, if any.

Please do not copy and paste from Google. I need in your own words. Prove your claim.

Reference no: EM13700672

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