Describe how you encouraged the child to use language

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Reference no: EM133534235

Early childhood education and care

Task - Protecting children and young people's rights while providing a service

Follow these instructions while providing services and protecting the rights of the child/young person. Services include actions provided to children or young people in different contexts that consider and cater to their rights. i.e., conducting physical check-ups, promoting the use of their native language, etc.

You do not need to do the tasks in the order they appear. You can even do multiple tasks at once.
Complete these tasks according to the quality standards set by your organisation and complying with the industry standards of your workplace.
• The observation outlines practical skills you need to demonstrate as you interact with children in your workplace.
• Arrange suitable times with your supervisor to complete these tasks in the organisation and for your assessor to observe you as you complete the tasks
• Seek assistance from your supervisor to select two children and two young people from your workplace
• Seek permission from the family members of the children and young people you have chosen to participate in the task to record the results of the child or young person's participation.

Part 1 Protect the rights of children in the provision of service. To do this you must:
• Identify 2 children to whom each service will be provided
• Provide 1 service to 2 children. Consider 1 right of children when providing each service.

Identify the right of the child considered when providing the service
Describe how the service was provided.
Briefly explain how the service provided protects the considered the right of children.

Part 2 Protect the rights of young people in the provision of service. To do this you must:
Identify 1 young people to whom each service will be provided
Provide 1 service to 2 young people. Consider 1 right of each child when providing each service.

Identify 1 right of young people considered when providing the service.
Describe how the service is provided.
Briefly explain how the service provided protects the considered right of young people

This is what your assessor will be looking for you to do:
1 Protectthe rights of children in the provision of service
2 Protect the rights of young people in the provision of service

Task 5 - Identify and seek supervision support

Identify ethical concerns when working with children and young people. Contact your supervisor and have a meeting to discuss support for dealing with issues of ethical concern with them.

Date and time of meeting
Issue of ethical concern in the practice with children
Indicator for potential ethical concern
Strategy to solve issues of ethical concern in practice with children -seeking support
Issue of ethical concern in the practice with young people
Indicator for potential ethical concern
Strategy to solve issues of ethical concern in practice with young people - seeking support

1 Raise appropriate ethical concerns for children and young people and present strategies to manage and support children and young people.
2 Seek support for managing ethical issues with children and young people
3 Provide appropriate responses when protecting children and young people.
4 Comply with legislation, regulations, and duty of care responsibilities

Observe children to inform practice

Task 1 - determine observation techniques

This task requires you to identify and define three observation techniques appropriate for interactions with children. Follow the steps below:
Step 1 Complete the observations technique form by identifying three observation techniques to use for future tasks. They must be appropriate for the centre you work for.
Step 2 Make a time to discuss this form with your supervisor and arrange a meeting with at least two other educators about observation techniques.
Hold the meeting and complete the minutes on the observation techniques recommended and processes for how to use them
Step 3 Speak with your supervisor about the children you can work with you must select 3 different children:
• 1 must be under 23 months
• 2 between 23 months and 6 years of age.
• Complete step 3 table to allocate children and observation techniques

Step 1 - identify observation techniques
Observation techniques include but are not limited to

Explain considerations for observations based on service policies and procedures

Workplace supervisor declaration
Students, please note, ask your supervisor to signed this off in the TPV document

Step 2 - Seek guidance from other educators regarding observation tools and processes

Hold a meeting with two other educators to seek their guidance regarding observation tools and processes.

Use the Meeting Minutes template to record the meeting, check with your supervisor regarding:
• times, places, and opportunities to meet
• confirm the educators to meet.
Conduct the meeting with the two educators you have chosen. In the meeting:
• choose two of the three techniques you identified to discuss or ask each educator for observation techniques not identified
• ask for their guidance regarding the chosen observation technique, and ask:
o what the process is for implementing the chosen observation technique
o which observation tools must be used for the chosen observation technique?
Have your assessor review the minutes and sign the Assessor Declaration.

Step 3 - select children and assign the observation technique

Discuss the selection of children with your supervisor.

Workplace supervisor declaration

Having selected children, it is now time to observe and interact with children to gather information. Specifically, the child's interests, ideas, knowledge, skills, and strengths. Complete the following observation/interactions

Observation and interaction outcomes

This is what your assessor will be looking for you to do:
1 Build rapport with children through the interactions and observations.
2 Ask questions to clarify
3 Remain open minded and refrain from using bias and negative labelling

Task 3 seek information from secondary sources

This task requires you to use information from children's records and family to assist in curriculum planning.

Follow these steps:
Step 1 Working with the children you used previously identify two records of each child
Step 2 Access and review records identified to get information relevant to curriculum planning
Step 3 Ask your supervisor regarding opportunities for you to meet with one family member of each child to gather information from them about the child. Arrange suitable times and places to meet family members and for your assessor to observe meeting with the families.
Step 4 Conduct a meeting with each family member/s you have chosen. You must meet with each family member individually.
Complete the information review template and collect the following information:
• Identify the type of the records you reviewed
• Document information identified in the records relevant to curriculum planning
• Identify the family member you met with
• Document information you obtained from the family relevant to curriculum planning
Step 5 Have your supervisor review your completed Information Review template and sign the Supervisor Declaration at the end. Your supervisor's signature must be handwritten

Task 4 collaborate with others to gather information

Consult with your supervisor regarding opportunities for you to meet with two other educators in the centre to gather information from each educator about each of the children from your observations.
Review the instructions here and the contents of the Meeting Minutes template with your supervisor to prepare before the meeting.
With your supervisor, arrange suitable times and places for you to meet with the educators and for your assessor to observe you as you meet with the educators.
Conduct the meeting with the two educators you have chosen.
During the meeting each educator must identify one of the following for each child - need, interest, skill, cultural practice.
Complete a set of minutes for the outcomes of each educators meeting.

Task 5 reflection

This task requires you to reflect on the observations you have made based on the information gathered from the previous tasks to identify aspects of each child's learning and development. Complete the following reflective journals for each child.
Child A reflection

Based on your reflection on the observations you've made:
• what aspect of the child's learning have you identified?
• what aspect of the child's development have you identified?
Based on your reflection on the information you've gathered:
• what aspect of the child's learning have you identified?
• what aspect of the child's development have you identified?
• what is your perspective on the child's interest?
What is the approved learning framework that your centre follows?
What link have you discovered between the observations you have made and the approved learning framework that your centre follows?
What link have you discovered between the information you have gathered and the approved learning framework that your centre follows?

Based on your reflection on the observations you've made:
• what aspect of the child's learning have you identified?
• what aspect of the child's development have you identified?
Based on your reflection on the information you've gathered:
• what aspect of the child's learning have you identified?
• what aspect of the child's development have you identified?
• what is your perspective on the child's interest?
What is the approved learning framework that your centre follows?
What link have you discovered between the observations you have made and the approved learning framework that your centre follows?
What link have you discovered between the information you have gathered and the approved learning framework that your centre follows?
Child C reflection
Based on your reflection on the observations you've made:
• what aspect of the child's learning have you identified?
• what aspect of the child's development have you identified?
Based on your reflection on the information you've gathered:
• what aspect of the child's learning have you identified?
• what aspect of the child's development have you identified?
• what is your perspective on the child's interest?
What is the approved learning framework that your centre follows?
What link have you discovered between the observations you have made and the approved learning framework that your centre follows?
What link have you discovered between the information you have gathered and the approved learning framework that your centre follows?

Task 6 communicate information with others

Arrange a meeting with your supervisor and two other educators to discuss your reflections.
You are looking to discuss the perspectives of each educator in relation to:
• interests of each child
• aspects of learning and development of each child.
Arrange times and places with your supervisor and complete the minutes for each educator conversation.

Task 7 Contribute to curriculum planning

This task requires you to contribute to the programs of your centre based on the observations you have made and the information you have gathered. As proof of your contributions to planning programs, you must complete the Observation Task provided for you in the following pages.
Contributing to the planning of programs may include but not limited to rewriting, with permission, the curriculum to better fit each child, modifying activities as they happen to cater to each child's learning, development, and wellbeing needs, or creatingactivities specifically tailored to cater to each child's learning, development, and wellbeing.

Consider the three children your observations and information gathered and your reflections when you complete the following questions.

How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's learning?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.
How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's development?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.
How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's wellbeing?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.

Observation form Child B

How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's learning?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.
How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's development?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.
How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's wellbeing?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.

Observation form Child C

How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's learning?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.
How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's development?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.
How did you contribute to the planning of programs that promoted the child's wellbeing?
Include how you used the information collected and the reflections made to contribute to the planning of programs.

CHCECE031 Cross mapping

Task 3 - Support emotional development

In this task, you will be required to support the emotional development of two children of different ages in your organisation. During this part of the assessment, you will specifically need to do the following tasks to complete the CLDL 3:
• Provide children with strategies to make informed choices about their behaviours appropriate to their level of understanding
• Assist and encourage children to experience pride and confidence in their achievements
• Provide acknowledgement and support if a child experiences frustration and encourage children to see mistakes as an opportunity to learn
• Assist children to identify physiological responses to situations and express and regulate feelings appropriately through modelling and guidance
• Assist children to develop empathy through identifying and responding to emotions in other people
• Support and encourage children to persevere with challenges to assist in building resilience
• Share children's successes with families in informal and formal ways
• Accommodate the child's need for privacy, solitude, and quiet

Summary of outcomes
Describe how you assisted the child to experience pride in two achievements.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while assisting the child to experience pride in their achievement. The information must also include achievement the child accomplished.

Achievement 1 After several days, Child A successfully finished a difficult work, displaying tenacity and problem-solving skills. The instructor praised their effort and advised the students to take stock of their accomplishments and express joy, hammering home the need of recognising individual achievements.

Child B demonstrated inventiveness, attention to detail, and determination in finishing a difficult art assignment. They presented their artwork in the classroom, where peers cheered them on and they were able to share their success. They talked about emotions, individuality, and pride.

Provide acknowledgement and support if a child experiences frustration and encourage children to see mistakes as an opportunity to learn

Summary of outcomes
Describe how you provided acknowledgement of the child's frustration.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while providing acknowledgement of the child's frustration. The information must also include the child's source of frustration.

Describe how you provided support when the child was frustrated.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while providing support when the child was frustrated. The information must also include the child's source of frustration.

Describe how you encouraged the child to see their mistake as an opportunity to learn.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to see their mistake as an opportunity to learn. The information must also include the child's mistake.

Assist children to identify physiological responses to situations and express and regulate feelings appropriately through modelling and guidance

Summary of outcomes
Describe how you assisted the child in identifying one physiological response to a specific situation.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while assisting the child in identifying the physiological response to a specific situation. Information must also include child's physiological response and the specific situation that triggered the physiological response.

Describe how you guided the child to appropriately express one emotion.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while guiding the child to appropriately express one emotion. Information must also include emotion to be expressed.

Describe how you modelled how to appropriately regulate one emotion for the child.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while modelling how to appropriately regulate one emotion for the child. Information must also include emotion to be regulated appropriately.

Assist children to develop empathy through identifying and responding to emotions in other people

Describe how you helped the child identify an emotion displayed by another person.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while helping the child identify an emotion in another person. Information must also include the identified Describe how you helped the child identify an emotion displayed by another person.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while helping the child identify an emotion in another person. Information must also include the identified emotion and a brief description (e.g., position or role in the centre of the person) of the person displaying the emotion.

Describe how you helped the child respond to an emotion displayed by another person.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while helping the child respond to an emotion in another person. Information must also include the identified emotion and a brief description (e.g., position or role in the centre) of the person displaying the emotion.

Describe how you encouraged the child to persevere with two (2) challenges and how your encouragement assisted with building resilience.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to persevere with a challenge. Information must also include the challenge that the child faced.

Describe how you informally communicated the child's success to the child's family.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while communicating the child's success to the family. Information must also include the child's success specifically chosen for informal sharing.

Describe how you formally communicated the child's success to the child's family.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while communicating the child's success to the family.
Information must also include the child's success specifically chosen for formal sharing.

Describe how you accommodated the child's need for privacy.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while accommodating the child's need for privacy. Information must also include what prompted the child's need for privacy.

Describe how you accommodated the child's need for solitude.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while accommodating the child's need for solitude. Information must also include what prompted the child's need for solitude.

Describe how you accommodated the child's need for quiet.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while accommodating the child's need for quiet. Information must also include what prompted the child's need for quiet.

Task 4 - Support cognitive development

In this task, you will be required to support the cognitive development of two children of different ages in your organisation. During this part of the assessment, you will specifically need to do the following tasks to complete the CLDL 4:
• Select materials, resources, technologies, and experiences that support exploration and problem-solving
• Provide opportunities that encourage exploration of children's concepts and ideas
• Extend children's thinking by engaging them in sustained shared conversations

Complete this task by following these steps:
Step one: Locate CLDL and familiarise yourself with the required tasks
Locate ‘Child learning and development log 4' (CLDL 4) provided for you on the following pages. The CLDL outlines all the tasks you need to complete in the workplace while being observed by your supervisor. Review all tasks with your supervisor before starting so you can prepare for the tasks.
Step two: Arrange suitable times with your supervisor
Arrange suitable times with the assistance of your supervisor for you to complete these tasks in the organisation.
Step three: Complete CLDL tasks being observed by your supervisor
Complete the tasks in CLDL 4 for each child while being observed by your supervisor. Record how you completed each task. Where required, record important details relevant to the completion of each task.

Summary of outcomes
Select materials, that support exploration and problem-solving.
Document the details of the materials for each child.

Select resources, that support exploration and problem-solving. Document the details of the materials for each child.

Select technology, which supports exploration and problem-solving. Document the details of the materials for each child.

Select an experience, which supports exploration and problem-solving. Document the details of the materials for each child.

Provide opportunities that encourage exploration of children's concepts and ideas

Describe how you provided the opportunity for the child to explore a concept that the child came up with.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while providing the opportunity to explore a concept the child came up with. Information must also include the concept explored.

Describe how you provided the opportunity for the child to explore an idea the child came up with.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while providing the opportunity to explore the idea the child came up with. Information must also include the idea explored.

Extend children's thinking by engaging them in sustained shared conversations

Describe how you engaged the child in a sustained conversation.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while engaging the child in sustained conversation. Information must also include conversation topic.

Explain how your sustained conversation with the child extended the child's thinking.

Task 5 - Support communication development

In this task, you will be required to support the communication development of two children of different ages in your organisation. During this part of the assessment, you will specifically need to do the following tasks to complete the CLDL 5:

• Value the child's linguistic heritage and encourage the use and acquisition of home languages
• Select, read, and tell developmentally appropriate stories, using props to stimulate children's enjoyment of language and literature
• Ask and answer questions during the reading and discussion of other text
• Provide meaningful opportunities for children to develop pre-writing skills
• Model and encourage two-way communication through questions and careful listening
• Draw children's attention to symbols and patterns in their environment and talk about patterns and relationships, including the relationship between letters and sound
• Provide opportunities for group discussions and exchange of views between children
• Model language and encourage children to express themselves through language in different contexts and for different purposes
In this task, your assessor will also need to observe your communication skills. Complete this task by following these steps:
Step one: Locate CLDL and familiarise yourself with the required tasks
Locate ‘Child learning and development log 4' (CLDL 5) provided for you on the following pages. The CLDL outlines all the tasks you need to complete in the workplace while being observed by your supervisor. Review all tasks with your supervisor before starting so you can prepare for the tasks.
Step two: Arrange suitable times with your supervisor and complete CLDL tasks being observed by your supervisor
Arrange suitable times with the assistance of your supervisor for you to complete these tasks in the organisation. Complete the tasks in CLDL 5 for each child while being observed by your supervisor. Record how you completed each task. Where required, record important details relevant to the completion of each task.
Step three: Arrange a suitable time with your Assessor for them to observe your communication skills in the workplace

What is the child's native language?
Describe how you encouraged the child to develop their ability to speak their native language.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to use their native language.

Describe how you encouraged the child to develop their ability to understand their native language
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to develop their ability to understand their native language.

Select, read, and tell developmentally appropriate stories and use props to stimulate children's enjoyment of language and literature

Summary of outcomes
What is the title of the story you have told the child?
Provide a brief synopsis of the story
Describe how you told the story to the child and how the story is developmentally apriorist.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while telling the story to the child.

Describe how you used the prop to stimulate the child's enjoyment of language and literature.

Briefly explain how your using of the prop stimulated the child's enjoyment of language.
Briefly explain how your using of the prop stimulated the child's enjoyment of literature.

Provide a brief description of the text
Describe how you discussed the text to the child.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while discussing the text to the child.

Identify the pre-writing skill that the child is ready to acquire based on their age and ability.
Briefly explain the activity that will help develop the child's pre-writing skill.
Describe how the child performed during the activity you have chosen.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while the child was engaged in the activity you have chosen.

Model and encourage two-way communication through questions and careful listening

Describe how you modelled two-way communication by asking a question to another educator.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while asking a question to another educator. Information must also include what question you asked the other educator and an explanation how the question promoted two-way communication.

Describe how you modelled two-way communication by listening carefully to another educator.

Describe how you encouraged the child to engage in two-way communication by asking a question to another person.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to engage in a two-way communication. Information must also include what question the child asked and how asking questions promoted two-way communication.

Describe how you encouraged the child to engage in two-way communication by listening carefully to another person.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to engage in a two-way communication. Information must also include what you observed the child doing as proof that they listened carefully to what the other person was saying (e.g., asking the child questions regarding what the other person said) and how listening promoted two-way communication.

Draw children's attention to symbols and patterns in their environment and talk about patterns and relationships, including the relationship between letters and sound

Monitor child during their daily routine for opportunities to:
• Draw their attention to symbols and patterns in their environment
• Talk about the relationship between patterns of letters and sound
When the opportunities present themselves, draw the child's attention to the symbol and have them describe the symbol they have paid attention to, including patterns and relationships

Provide opportunities for group discussions and exchange of views between children

Describe how you arranged a group discussion for the child to join in.
Describe how you encouraged the child to participate in the group discussion.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to participate in the group discussion. Information must also include how the child participated in the group discussion.

Describe how you encouraged the child to exchange their view with another child.
Information must include but not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while the child exchanged their view with another child. Information must also include what view the child exchanged with the other child.

Model language and encourage children to express themselves through language in different contexts and for different purposes

Describe how you modelled the use of language to express yourself in the presence of the child.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while modelling language to the child.

Describe how you encouraged the child to use language to express themselves in one context.
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to use language to express themselves in one context. Information must also include the context the child was expressing themselves in and what the child said.

Describe how you encouraged the child to use language to express themselves for one purpose
Information must include but are not limited to date, time, place, and narrative of events that happened while encouraging the child to use language to express themselves for one purpose. Information must also include the purpose of the child expressing themselves and what the child said.

Attachment:- Early childhood education and care.rar

Reference no: EM133534235

Questions Cloud

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Describe how you encouraged the child to use language : CHC30121 Early childhood education and care - Protecting children and young people's rights while providing a service - Describe how the service was provided
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Identify a concept, strategy or model of each concept : Identify a concept, strategy or model of each concept ( Behaviourism, Humanism, Cognitivism, Socioconstructivism and Connectivism) that a teacher intends


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