Describe how will set an intention

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133435353

  1. Personal Assessment - Make an assessment of self on body/mind/spirit dimensions.  Describes current diet, exercise routine, and study habits/schedule; relaxation, renewal.  Described spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, spending time in nature, etc.).
  2. Developing Goals - Looked at self-assessment and critically evaluated it.  Identified which activities are fulfilling to self in mind-body-spirit?  Which areas need attention?  Wrote specific goals to address mind-body-spirit self-care
  3. Setting the intention -  Describe how will set an intention for wholeness and balance in his/her life
  4. paying attention to self-talk - Demonstrated listening to and reflecting upon inner dialogue.  Identified an inner critic or an inner coach; always negative or try to be open and nonjudgmental?
  5. Simplifying life - Described how self organizes/simplifies/reduces or eliminates clutter and redundancy.  Gave specific examples, such as organizing work space or setting limits on time on social  media
  6. Developing comic vision - Described how to include positive humor in life.  Described activities that bring joy, e.g., watching a funny film or sit-com.  Explored new ways to develop comic vision such as laughter yoga
  7. Building support systems - Identified who supports self emotionally/spiritually/holistically?  Discussed how will nurture healthy supportive relationships and how will address unhealthy relationships. 
  8. Exploring holistic modalities - Identified holistic modalities noted in Table 2 of Riley (2003) that have tried or want to utilize in support of self-care; discussed how will use these modalities. Included references in-text citation for chosen modalities
  9. Applying self-care at work - Discussed how will care for self at work. Included examples such as preparing a nourishing and appealing lunch, using breaks for meditation or prayer, listening to music during commute, etc.

Reference no: EM133435353

Questions Cloud

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