Reference no: EM132311563
Assignment – Group project
Group Component Task
Groups should not underestimate the amount of collaborate effort that is required for this assignment. There is a great deal of group-level decision making to be undertaken before members start working on their individual sections of the Guide.
To start this assignment, Groups must decide which Key Features of Entrepreneurship to focus on and include in their
Study Guide. A ‘key feature’ is a distinct subject or theme that is central to the topic of Entrepreneurship; for example – ‘Financing a new venture’.
Only three key features can be covered in the Guide (one for each group member) so groups are advised to make their selections carefully.
Groups must also decide how to introduce the topic of Entrepreneurship in their Study Guide and how to conclude it.
The following table details the specific Study Guide structure and related content.
Individual Component
Each Key Feature section of the Study Guide will be developed by an individual group member and it will be assessed on an individual basis. The Key Feature sections are to contain the following:
• Introduction. Briefly identify and describe the Key Feature and provide a rationale for why it is an important subject or theme in the study of Entrepreneurship.
• Learning Outcomes. Nominate 2-4 learning outcomes that explain what it is that will be gained from studying this section of the Study Guide. These should be brief (short sentences) set out in dot points.
• Explanation. This is the content that is to be studied with links to appropriate learning materials. Three peer reviewed journal articles must be provided, and the textbook can be an extra (fourth) source. Regarding learning materials, students can draw on a range of sources, including; journal articles, textbooks, websites, videos and Open Education Resources.
The same source cannot be used for more than one key feature of the Guide (approx. 300 words).
• Learning Activity: At least one learning activity that will help to reinforce one or more of the stated learning outcomes.