Describe how to build document-term matrix

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133220419

The final homework of a large Introduction to Programming class consists of writing a Python program. The instructor is worried about cheating incidents, where two or more students copy parts of each other's programs. Because the class is very large, the instructor wants to implement an NLP procedure to detect cheaters automatically.

Note that the instructor is only interested in finding programs that have large identical portions.

In particular, the instructor wants to use a bag-of-words approach to build a document-term matrix where each row in the matrix is the program written by a student. Then, the instructor wants to find the similarity between all pairs of programs. Finally, the most similar ones are manually checked for cheating. The only question is how to build the document-term matrix.

Describe how to build the document-term matrix. Make sure to discuss parameter choices such as tokenization, removing stop words, parameters of Vectorizer, type of Vectorizer, n-grams, etcetera.

Reference no: EM133220419

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