Reference no: EM133718921
Communication and Conflict
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review your notes on Chapters 3 and 4 of the text and read Ethics Explainer: Ethics, Morality, and the Law
you will read one of the following articles:
Universality and Cultural Diversity in Moral Reasoning and Judgment
Ethics and Morality: What Should Be Taught in Business Law?
Finally, watch one of the following videos:
Why We Need Core Values | James Franklin
The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives - Jonathan Haidt.
Why Values Matter | Jan Stassen
Ethical frameworks guide our patterns of communication during conflict and competing morals and values can often be the origin of conflict. How can being aware of these differences help us improve how we handle conflict?
In this paper, you must:
Question 1: Explain the differences between values, ethics, and morals, based on what you have learned from the article(s) and video(s) you selected.
Question 2: Select a case study from Chapter 4 of the textbook, focusing on facework, high and low context, collectivism or individualism, the Buddhist monk, or the Hindu-Muslim marriage; explain the key details and how it counts as a conflict, based on Jandt's definition.
Explain how what you have learned about values, morals, and ethics can be applied to how the parties communicated in the dispute.
Question 3: Describe how things could have been handled differently, using some communication techniques discussed in Jandt (2021) or some other scholarly source.
Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic Voice. resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement. that indicates the purpose of your paper and the conclusion should restate the thesis and explain how it was supported in the paper.
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