Reference no: EM133825711
Homework: Application JIT/TPS/Lean Operations & Application Who are you?
Textbook: Principles of Operations Management by Jay Heizer; Barry Render; Chuck Munson
Taiichi Ohno, a former vice president of Toyota, created the basic framework for two of the world's most discussed systems for improving productivity, JIT and TPS. These two concepts provide much of the foundation for Lean operations. (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2020, p. 642).
According to your textbook, these are the specific characteristics of each strategy:
A. The Toyota Production System (TPS), emphasizes continuous improvement, respect for people, and standard work practices. TPS is particularly suited for assembly lines.
B. Just-in-time (JIT) emphasizes continuous and forced problem-solving by focusing on throughput and reduced inventory.
C. Lean Operations supply the customers with what the customer wants and when the customer wants it and without waste, through continuous improvement.
Lean Operations encompass both JIT and TPS. Lean operations sustain competitive advantage and increase overall returns to stakeholders. Regardless of the approach and label, operations managers address three issues that are fundamental to operations improvement: eliminate waste, remove variables, and improve throughput.
For this homework, you will prepare a 2-page report, not including the cover page and the References page, using APA style. Use appropriate headings for each of the points you cover in your report.
Choose one of the three strategies. You can report on JIT, TPS, or Lean Operations. Your report should cover the following points:
A. Introduction
a. Identify and define the strategy you selected.
B. Describe the strategy in detail to show your understanding of the strategy.
C. Describe how the strategy eliminates waste, removes variability, and improves throughput. Remember that your paper should address these three points clearly.
D. Describe how the strategy contributes to a Lean Organization.
E. Conclusion
a. Describe what you felt was the most important point about the strategy you researched.
F. Select a second strategy and describe how this strategy contributes to a Lean Organization.
Let us assume you work for a mid-size company. You have been there for six years, and your future with this company is bright. Just yesterday, you caught a co-worker, who is also a friend of yours, packing up some office supplies to take home. At the end of the day, your supervisor asked you to sign off on an expense report that you know is padded with personal expenses. What do you do?
How you handle these ethical dilemmas largely depends upon your own personal values and personal code of conduct. Your personal standards of behavior should align with your professional standards of behavior.