Describe how the strategic goals addressed e-commerce

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13778547

1. Conduct an environmental analysis of your proposed e-commerce presence, keeping in mind the potential for global e-Business and focusing on the following:

a. Value propositions of your e-commerce strategy

b. Core competencies that can be enabled/enhanced through an e-commerce presence

c. Market analysis and trends regarding your proposed e-commerce strategy

d. Evaluation of your e-commerce strategy in terms of Porter's competitive forces model.

2. List and describe how the strategic goals and objectives of your organisation will be addressed in your proposed e-commerce website.

3. Identify what key stakeholders/customers will want from your proposed e-commerce website, and how this fits with the goals of the e-commerce website and the organization

4. Briefly describe and justify the e-Commerce business model(s) that will be used in your e-commerce website.

5. List and briefly describe the potential risks associated with your proposed e-commerce strategy and presence.

Reference no: EM13778547

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