Describe how the storage molecule is broken down

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13839105



You have been asked to help dietitians in a local community health center to better understand the importance of fat in the diet and particularly how no-fat diets affect the biochemical processes of the body.


Assemble a document (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Documents) (suggested length 2-3 pages, including model(s), diagrams, text explanations, and references) on the role of fat and why it is important in the diet.

Note: Please save submission documents as *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, or *.pdf files. If you are using Google Documents, you must save the file in *.pdf format and upload the *.pdf file.

A. Explain how energy is stored as fat, including identification of the storage molecule and tissue.

1. Describe how the storage molecule is broken down and used to produce ATP.

B. Compare three features of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

1. Create two original 3-D models to demonstrate the chemical structure of a saturated and an unsaturated fatty acid.

Note: Take a picture of your completed 3-D models as evidence that you created them. You can include the picture as part of your document, or you can upload it in Taskstream as a separate attachment.

2. Explain three roles of fatty acids in the body.

C. Provide a diagram to demonstrate the fluid mosaic structure of cell membranes.

1. Label the following components in your diagram:

• phospholipid

• hydrophilic portion

• hydrophobic portion

• membrane protein(s)

D. Explain two specific examples of how no-fat diets can affect the body e.g., nutrient absorption, essential fatty acids) at the biochemical level.

E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the General Instructions section.

Reference no: EM13839105

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