Describe how the situation would have turned out differently

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Reference no: EM133448042

Questions: Socialization is an essential aspect of who you are. Keeping all aspects of socialization in mind.

  • We need to define which agents of socialization were most important to our socialization. Please provide examples of each.
  • Recall a time in our life when we were either deviant or conformed. Explain why we chose to act in this way. Describe how the situation would have turned out differently if you had acted in the opposite way.


Reference no: EM133448042

Questions Cloud

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Describe how the situation would have turned out differently : We need to define which agents of socialization were most important to our socialization. Please provide examples of each. Recall a time in our life
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Research an example of coevolution in nature : Research an example of coevolution in nature between each of the following. (You CANNOT use samples from the lecture slides).
Explain each of these six conditions as it relates : According to Smelser's value-added theory, six conditions must be present to develop #metoo movement. Briefly explain each of these six conditions as it relates


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