Describe how the data should be interpreted

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133336416

The industry standards that guide operational improvement of criminal justice programs provide a framework for evaluation and measurement of outcomes. This structure helps to ensure validity, reliability, and comparability between programs, evaluations, and evaluators.

In this summative assessment, you look at how industry standard techniques and methods guide organizational improvements in a specific policy or program evaluation. The concepts you have learned in this course will help you collect information, deliver a solution with measurable outcomes, and develop a design approach.

Select an example of a new or previously discussed policy or program evaluation. You may choose one of the case studies on this week's University Library page, or research another policy or program evaluation in which you do the following for your chosen policy or program evaluation:

1. Identify the set of industry standards to guide the evaluation.

2. Analyze how the industry standards provide the framework to guide the evaluation.

3. Identify the necessary data to perform an evaluation.

4. Describe how the data should be interpreted.

5. Describe how you will measure outcomes based on industry standards in evaluation.

6. Explain how the program can be improved and how the results will be utilized for improvement.

7. Describe the evolution of this policy through continual evaluation.

Reference no: EM133336416

Questions Cloud

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What moment represents the denouement of the play : Is there a protagonist in the play? If so who? Is there more than one protagonist? If so who and why? Who is the antagonist? Why do you consider them
Describe how the data should be interpreted : Describe how the data should be interpreted. Describe the evolution of this policy through continual evaluation.
Considering le guins lathe of heaven, plato, and augustine : Considering Le Guin's Lathe of Heaven, Plato, and Augustine, what application for utopianism and its criticism is seen in the present world?
Trait theory-skills approach and behavior perspective : Post an explanation of how transformational leadership and transactional leadership relate to Trait Theory, Skills Approach, and behavior perspective.
How are canada and mexico shaped by the cultures : What are your reflections on the nature of early contact between Europeans and Indigenous peoples in the places we know as Canada, Mexico and the United States?
Discuss security and control issues : Identify and discuss the security and control issues that resulted from flaws in Equifax security and control.


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