Describe how the character exhibits abnormal behavior

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Reference no: EM133467398 , Length: word count:1500

Question: Write in 1250-1500 that describes abnormal behavior based on the five perspectives of abnormal psychology.

Choose a media piece that depicts elements of abnormal psychology and treatment methods. Use the resources list attached to assist you in completing this assignment.

Select one character in your chosen media piece who depicts abnormal behavior and treatment methods or the lack thereof.

To frame the context, consider the five perspectives of abnormal psychology (biological, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive behavioral, and sociocultural) and their treatment methods. Which of the five abnormal psychological perspectives best addresses the type of abnormal behavior exhibited by the character? In addition, address the following:

Describe how the character exhibits abnormal behavior.

Explain how therapists in each of the five perspectives would treat the character.

Describe which perspective you feel is the best. Justify your choice based on scholarly research.

Use the school Library databases; include a minimum of five references or other resources besides the textbook for evidentiary support.

Reference no: EM133467398

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