Reference no: EM132505179
Assignment: Policy Memorandum
Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the relationship between social policies and social work practice - specifically, how policies affect the lives of clients, the programs agencies develop, and the roles which social workers play in social service organizations.
Background: You believe that an issue under consideration by the Maryland General Assembly is important to the constituency with which your agency or affinity group works. In preparation for a meeting with the leadership of the organization, you will write a memorandum (single-spaced, double-spaced between paragraphs, using 12 pt. font and 1" margins) of no more than three pages providing an overview of the bill and rationale for action of support/opposition by the agency or affinity group.
Include the following elements:
• A brief description of the policy or proposed/pending change in policy;
• An explanation of how/why the policy is significant for the organization and those with whom it works;
• An analysis of how the policy (or proposed policy change) affects/will affect the organization and those with whom it works; and
• A recommendation for action.