Reference no: EM13724038
Part -1: The Behaviour Problem
Step 1: Think of a friend or co-worker's behaviour that you feel uncomfortable with or simply don't like. It may be a behaviour that is done too frequently and you wish it would decrease or one that is not done frequently enough and you wish it would increase.
The person should be someone you know well and whose behaviour directly affects you. This can be a family member, a friend, a co-worker or a subordinate. Don't select someone you strongly dislike or have written off as an associate.
As examples, students who have done this exercise before have selected the following behaviours:
• I'd like my subordinate, Mark, to make more decisions without asking for my advice.
• I would like my son, John, to watch less TV. (Or: My son John should do his homework before he watches TV.)
• I'd like my husband to be ready on time when we have a social engagement.
Be sure to select a behaviour that you really care about. Don't select one where it really doesn't matter all that much to you whether the person's behaviour changes or not.
Step 2: Write a description of the behaviour you would like to see increase or decrease on the space provided on the next page.
Step 3: List what you feel are the main reasons why the person behaves as she or he does.
Step 4: Describe the ways, if any, that you typically respond to the person's behaviour (or lack of behaviour). Also, describe the things, if any, that you have tried in the past to get the person to change his or her behaviour.
Step 5: Describe how the person's behaviour affects you personally. Do you get frustrated, angry? You might also mention what, if anything, might happen in your relationship in the future if the other person doesn't change the behaviour. Will you ignore it, discuss it, nag, have a fight over it, see the person less, end the relationship, or try to get the person fired, transferred, disciplined, or demoted?
Step 6: Suppose that in the near future, you were going to try something to get the person to change his or her behaviour. Even though you may have given up on it or decided that you don't really have the right to try to change the other person, describe one or two things you might try.
Keep in mind that asking you to do this does not imply that you should actually try to change the person's behaviour. Some people feel very strongly that they should accept others as they are. Nor does this step imply that you are selecting a tactic that would necessarily work. It's possible that nothing would work in this situation. With this in mind, and for purposes of learning, give it your best shot.
Question 1: What is the person's relationship to you?
Question 2: Describe the behaviour you'd like to see increased or decreased.
Question 3: State your beliefs as to why the person is behaving the way he or she is that you find objectionable.
Question 4: Describe the ways you've responded to the person or things you have tried in the past to get the person to change the behaviour.
Question 5: Describe the impact of the person's behaviour on you.
Question 6: Describe what you might do to change the person's behaviour.
Part-2: Miller's Malady
Step 1: Read the news article that follows.
Step 2: List what you feel are the causes of the problem. That is, make your best guess as to why Miller and his co-workers are behaving as they are.
In producing your analysis, follow your own inclinations. Do not try to take a Reinforcement Theory approach because you know that will be the focus later on in this instructional unit. You will learn more if you produce your own analysis that you can later compare and contrast with that of Reinforcement Theory. In short, the main idea with these initial exercises is to maximize your learning and not to produce a "correct" analysis from the perspective of Reinforcement Theory.
Step 3: State what you would do to remedy the situation. Assume you have unlimited power.
Step 4: State what you would do to remedy the situation if something akin to it occurred in your organization. Assume you are the supervisor, but that your power is limited by the kinds of constraints that supervisors in your organization face.
Space has been provided on the Exercise 5-2 worksheets that follow the news story for you to record your analysis and remedies.
Step 2: List what you feel are the causes of the problem.
Step 3: State what you would do to remedy the situation, assuming unlimited power.
Step 4: State what you would do to remedy the situation, assuming you are the supervisor and that you face constraints similar to those operating in your organization.
Exercise 5-3: The Problem School
Step 1: Read the situation which follows.
Step 2: List what you feel are the causes of the absentee problem. Assume that the school board's decision to pay each child in attendance is a fixed constant. This may cause a financial problem for the principal and school. Focus on the causes and solutions to the problem. Space has been provided on the next page.
Step 3: Describe what you would do to remedy the situation if you were the high-school principal. Be specific and assume you have the normal authority of a high-school principal.
Organizational Behaviour Survey
The purpose of this survey is to develop a description of how job holders experience certain aspects of their life. Circle your answers.
Part I
1. Are you male or female? Male Female
Think back to the last specific time you can recall your supervisor complimenting you (directly or indirectly) for some aspect of your work.
2. To your best recollection how long ago did this happen?
Today Yesterday This week Last Week
Last Month Last year Can't recall one
3. How strongly did the compliment affect you?
Very Very
Positive 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Negative
Impact Impact
4. Is your supervisor male or female? Male Female
5. Briefly explain what the compliment was about.
6. Briefly explain why it had the impact (or lack of impact) that it did.
Part II
Think back to the last specific time that you can recall your supervisor criticizing (constructively or otherwise) some aspect of your work.
1. To your best recollection how long ago did this happen?
Today Yesterday This Week Last Week
Last Month Last Year Can't Recall one
2. Was the criticism delivered:
Constructively Non-Constructively Not Sure
3. Explain why you thought so.
4. How strongly did the criticism affect you?
Very Very
Positive 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Negative
Impact Impact
5. Briefly explain what the criticism was about.
6. Briefly explain why it had the impact (or lack of impact) that it did?
7. At the time did you feel that the criticism was valid? Yes No
8. Do you now feel the criticism was valid? Yes No
9. Have you received criticism of this particular behaviour before?
Yes No
10. Do you plan to change your behaviour? Yes No
11. Have you already changed your behaviour? Yes No