Reference no: EM131846428
Assignment: Nutrition Essay Outline
A written essay on a nutritiontopic, with a focus on health promotion involving a family, individual, or special population. It is worth 15% of final the grade.
Objectives of the Essay:
The student will demonstrate their ability to:
1. Research a selected nutrition topic using a variety of reliable resources.
2. Prepare a professionally written paper in APA format, from a nursing perspective on the selected topic.
The student will be able to describe the focus persons they study (children, adolescents, older adults, pregnant women, family etc. )and the specific nutrition topic by week #3.
For your Essay:
1. Look up your selected nutrition,health promotion, family topic. Be sure you understand what you are researching.
2. Read the relevant chapter in your text, Potter & Perry. Look in all of your required text resources.
3. Research your topic using at least one professional nursing journal.
4. Research your topic using other reputable/peer reviewed texts, journals and online resources. Unless they are from a classic source (ex. F. Nightingale "Notes on Nursing"), all articles/texts must be less than 5 years old. The paper must have at least 5 referencesand a professional nursing journal reference equaling 6 references in total.
5. Make notes from your research. Organize what you have learned under main headings. Review your research to answer the following questions: What does the Nurse need to assess about this family/person related to the nutrition topic and what will she need to include in a teaching plan related to the nutrition topic?
6. Your final paper should be a three page paper(not including cover page and reference page), double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt. font on the selected topic. A short paper means you must include the most important content in a concise manner. Apply APA format. References must be cited in the body of the paper and listed at the end on a reference page. APA is a large part of the intended learning for this paper so please pay attention to the details of APA.
Some Recommended Nutrition Topics
Students may write their nutrition paper passed on one of the following topics or any on the topic approved by the professor. Remember it must be written from a nursing perspective.
1. Obesity
2. Celiac disease
3. Diabetes
4. Breastfeeding mothers
5. Toddlers who are poor eaters
6. Athletes and nutrition
7. Nutrition during pregnancy
8. Any of the Nutrition Concerns for Geriatrics
9. Cost saving and nutrition
10. Nutrition supplements
11. Any other topic approved by the professor
Essay Outline
Create a Title Page in APA Format
1. The Introduction. This section will be one paragraph.
Opening statement:
Define/Describe your topic: (you may use a reference here)
Introduce your paper:
2. Discussion about Health Promotion and the nutrition topic.
Describe how the concept of nutrition promotion relates to your topic. (Use statistics Canada or RNAO BPG's for references), ie. What is the problem? How are patients going to benefit, (stay healthy) from the knowledge or intervention of the nurse?
3. Discussion about Patient Assessment.
Describe how the Nurse would assess the patient related to the topic.
What would you need to know about the patient related to the topic? What would you need to ask them about? How would you gather this information? You may include your questions and probable/possible answers.
4. Discussion about Patient Teaching.
Describe the teaching required by the nurse in order to promote and/or maintain healthy nutrition.
a. What would the patient need to know?
b. How would you teach this?
c. Include change theory considerations as appropriate
5. Conclusion. This section will be 1 paragraph.
Wrap up your paper by referring back to the introduction and restate 1 main idea from each section 2, 3 & 4. No new information.
Reference List (APA format) This is an important part of this paper please pay attention to the details of APA.