Reference no: EM13918278
Assignment 1
Outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
Unit Outcomes:
• Identify the various networking sites available to IT professionals.
• Determine which networking sites would be the most beneficial based on the costs of time and money.
• Discuss how having industry peers could positively influence a project.
Course Outcome:
IT331-1: Describe how networking skills can improve project success.
Assignment Instructions:
Networking is very important for professionals in the IT industry as a way of developing one's career and in maintaining professional skills. However, not all networking opportunities are without cost. There are some popular free professional networking sites, but there are not many people who visit and use them to network. A good alternative is professional organizations and associations of industry professionals who are focused on some aspect of IT. These organizations have benefits and a clearly focused mission, but they do have membership fees. This activity looks at the trade-offs between free networking group opportunities and those that have a clearer professional focus, but charge membership fees.
Many students are familiar with several business networking sites. There are also general networking sites that will allow you to network at little or no cost. On these websites you can find some assistance with networking, but they are more general in their focus.
Other social networking options involve professional groups and associations that are more focused, but also charge a membership fee in order to participate in many of the networking opportunities that may provide a better job.
Here is a potential list of organizations to research on the Internet: Association of Information Technology Professionals® Association for Computing Machinery®
Network Professional Association® TechAmericaTM Review the membership fees and benefits associated with joining these or other professional associations
related to the IT field. After reviewing both types of social network websites above, discuss the following:
1) Would the cost of becoming a member in one of the professional associations above, or that you found, provide more benefits than joining one of the free networking sites, such as LinkedIn® or Monster®? What are those benefits?
2) Is the cost of joining any of the professional associations worth it, based on what you can see from the information on the websites you researched, when it comes to making professional contacts that can benefit your career? Why or why not? What role can they play in improving skills and project success?
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment:
Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft® Word® document and save it as IT331 YourName_Unit_1.doc and submit it to the Dropbox for Unit 1.
Written Assignment Requirements:
Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor's discretion.
Please be sure to download the file "Writing Center Resources" from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations.
Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity.
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: Many agents and agencies sell only a few suppliers, called preferred suppliers. Is this a good idea? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages?
Quantitative and qualitative result reporting
: Develop the overall data analysis approach and quantitative and qualitative result reporting:
Basic concepts of hypothesis testing
: Prepare a maximum of 4 page report.I want you to use JMP and put those figures in the report and the report has to look like the last years sample report that I put here. Basic concepts of hypothesis testing, What is Statistics
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: Discuss the advantages of established click-and-mortar companies such as Walmart over pure-play e-tailers such as Conversely, what are the disadvantages of click-and-brick retailers as compared with pure-play e-tailers?
Describe how networking skills can improve project success
: Networking is very important for professionals in the IT industry as a way of developing one's career and in maintaining professional skills. However, not all networking opportunities are without cost.
Public versus private goods
: Compare and contrast the demand curve for public goods and the demand curve for a private good. Evaluate the impact of the current trend toward the expansion of government services.
Construct a scatter plot
: Construct a scatter plot, using sales as the dependent variable and median family income as the independent variable. Discuss the scatter plot.
What is the california seller of travel law
: What is the major difference between a travel agency's income statement and the income statement of non-service businesses? What is the California Seller of Travel Law? What does it mean for the home-based agent?
Three inventory accounts and cost of sales
: a. T-accounts for the three inventory accounts and cost of sales. b. Record beginning balances and post the transactions for the month.