Reference no: EM132283612
1. is required because an operation cannot always excel simultaneously on an competive dimensions
A. D&E B. trade-offs C. B&D D. straddling E. bundling
2. describe how a firm intends to create and sustain value for its shareholders
A. Project team B. tax reports C. business forecast D. business strategies E. inventory analysis
3. is a very important competitive dimension
A. quality B. cost C. delivery D. A and B E. A,B, and C
4. A strategy should be reviewed/ refined at least
A. every year B. every 10 years C. every month D. every 5 years E. every quarter
5. Which is not true about affirmative action?
Employers have a legal obligation to implement strategies to promote equality and equal employment for all groups that historically faced discrimination
Employers are allowed to impose strict quotas in hiring underrepresented groups
One possible strategy for employers is to cast as wide of net possible to increase the diversity of the applicant pool
Subsequent to the decision in Gratz and Grutter v. University of Michigan, many universities now focus more on a student's economic status and not race or gender in making admission decisions
6. According to the Transtheoretical Model, temptation represents the converse of self-efficacy.