Describe how each of the team members can contribute

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132705424

Task - Portfolio of Evidence

Objective To test the required application skills in communicating with influence.

General instructions

Learners have to put into practice what they have learnt during class about communicating effectively.
This assessment is divided into three parts:
Part A: Preparing for a meeting (completed one week before group work activity)
Part B: Meeting role play (completed as part of an observed group work activity)
Part C: Minutes, Summary and Self-reflection (completed after group work activity)
To complete the assessment, a scenario has been created which will act as a simulated workplace. In cooperation with two of your classmates, you will act as managers for a company tasked to solve workplace problems. Read through the scenario carefully and complete all parts of the assessment.

Scenario - Block House Developments
Introduction to company

Block House Developments (BHD) is a real estate development company that provides affordable accommodation for students. The vision for BHD is to become the market leader in student accommodation, by providing quality individual living spaces as well as communal living arrangements where students can build a community and share resources.
These communal living spaces include facilities such as a library, BBQ area and a games room. This can help their tenants to form a student community where they can share books, meals and take part in fun activities.
The company has constructed its first apartment building and have just completed its first year of operations.
However, the company currently faces several problems that must be addressed, namely:
• After one year of operations, only 50% of the rooms are occupied. The company wants to increase its occupancy rate. However, the sales team don't get any commissions for obtaining clients, so they lack motivation. The company also don't have an advertising or marketing strategy to attract more tenants.
• The company initially told students that it would provide access to a gym and swimming pool for its tenants, but later on decided not to provide these facilities due to the costs involved. Some of the tenants are now complaining that these facilities are not available to them.
• As the company had lower revenues this year, it had to take out a high interest cash loan of $400,000 to help cover its operational costs. The interest payments on this loan is very high and it is now negatively impacting the cash flow position of the company.
After the first year of operations, the company can spend $100,000 to help solve the above problems.

Part A - Meeting Preparation

The General Manager of BHD has asked that you meet with two of your colleagues to solve the problems listed above.
A brief summary of the responsibilities for each of these team members is provided below:
• Marketing Manager. Responsible for designing and executing a marketing plan, managing the sales team and increasing the number of tenants.
• Financial Manager. Responsible for managing and controlling spending and putting in place strategies to ensure the long-term financial viability of the business.
• Operations Manager. Responsible for maintenance of buildings and infrastructure, customer service and solving complaints from tenants.
1. Identify who can assist in the resolution of the problems BHD are facing and who else needs to be involved and informed by completing the following:
(a) Describe how each of the team members can contribute to resolving the problems BHD are facing.

2. Formulate your own personal position for each of the problems by completing the following:
(a) Based on the information provided in the case study, list 2 other stakeholders you can consult with.

(b) List 3 questions you can ask the salespeople to help you determine your position about the problem of low room occupancy.

(c) What are 2 reliable sources where you can get advice on the legal implications of telling the tenants that a gym and swimming pool will be provided and later deciding not to.

(d) explain your position and a supporting argument for each one.

3. For each of the problems, explain the position that the relevant team members are likely to hold. The relevant team members are in brackets in the problem's column.

4. For each of the problems, consider how they may be resolved.
(a) Describe at least one possible solution for each problem.

(b) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your possible solutions for use in the meeting. Have one introductory slide and one slide for each problem/solution. Upload your slides with this completed assessment.

5. Describe the communication style that you plan to use in the meeting and explain why you chose this.

6. Based on the Negotiations Plan, compile a final meeting Agenda using the template provided below. Make sure that you allow enough time for each participant to first present their solutions and answer any questions from the other managers (5 min each).

7. Prepare an email that you will send to the team members to invite them to the meeting. In the email, make sure that you include the following:
• A brief introduction to the situation
• Authority provided to you by the General Manager
• The need for and purpose of the meeting
• A summary of the key issues
• An invitation to the meeting with date, time and venue

8. List 3 types of information that may be subject to confidentiality and describe how you will manage that information in the meeting and in any correspondence or presentations to staff, management and/or other stakeholders.

9. It is important to let the tenants and internal staff know what the company position is about the swimming pool and gym facilities. Complete the following.
(a) Prepare a written notice to the tenants to explain the agreed position and actions regarding the gym and swimming pool. (80 words)

(b) You want to personally present this to staff and management. Describe 3 forums you can use to do this and select what you consider to be the best forum for this situation. (60 words)

10. Reflect on the discussions you had with your teammates in the role play by answering the following: (60 words each)
(a) What have you learned about your personal communication style? How do you think it impacts on your ability to communicate in the workplace?

(b) What communication styles did the other team members display in the role play? How do you think it impacts on their ability to communicate in the workplace?

(c) Based on what you have learned in this unit, what are 3 ways you can adapt your communication style in the workplace to communicate more effectively? You can select 3 attributes from other communication styles.

Attachment:- Task 2 v22 1.rar

Reference no: EM132705424

Questions Cloud

How metrics are used in company to support use of batch size : Defend your position on batch size and tell whether Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is relevant to your selected company/industry.
Impact the international environment : Globalization continues to impact the international environment in a variety of ways to include social, political, technological, and cultural influences.
What is the amount of Lew expenses : If the activity is deemed to be a hobby, what is the amount of Lew's expenses (if any) from the activity that may be deducted
What is the value per share : You have been asked to value a car dealership that has Free Cash Flow to the Firm projected at $350,000 for next year. This cash flow amount is expected to grow
Describe how each of the team members can contribute : Describe how each of the team members can contribute to resolving the problems BHD are facing and Describe at least one possible solution for each problem
What is Ann home office deduction : Ann is a self-employed restaurant critic who does her work exclusively from a home office. What is Ann home office deduction
How is used in managerial decision-making : How is used in managerial decision-making? Describe the 3 main categories of ratios and provide a specific example of a ratio that is used in each category.
Explain how the act affects organization security plan : Discuss how federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies enforce the act. Explain how the act affects an organization's security plan.
Describe the features of structured and inclusive meetings : Test the required knowledge in communicating with influence - Explain the legal requirements you would need to consider in order to maintain confidentiality


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