Reference no: EM133465390
INTRODUCTION Conflict is a normal part of life. Managing conflict using effective communication is an important skill for solving problems, innovating, and maintaining productive relationships-particularly in a professional setting. In this task, you will critically analyze the communication in a conflict scenario and provide recommendations for communication strategies to manage and resolve the conflict. Use the RRM3 D268 Task 2 Template located in the Supporting Documents section below the rubric as a guide to complete this task.SCENARIOTwo managers in a health professions setting are upset about recent staff reductions and the effect on worker roles. The characters' discussion is shown in the "Workplace Conflict" video in the Web Links section located below the rubric. As you watch the video, imagine that you are in the room with the two characters, serving as an observer. Provide feedback for each of the two characters on how to negotiate this conflict.REQUIREMENTS
Tasks may not be submitted as live documents or cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, SharePoint, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .pptx).
A. Watch the "Workplace Conflict" video in the Web Links section located below the rubric. Then, analyze the interaction shown by doing the following:
1. For each character (i.e., Raymond & Jenna) you observed in the video, identify 1 or 2 interpersonal communication behaviors that escalated the conflict.
a. Describe how each of the identified behaviors in prompt A1 escalated the conflict.
Note: The interpersonal communication behaviors could be verbal or nonverbal.
2. For each of the interpersonal communication behaviors identified in prompt A1, provide an alternative communication behavior that could have been used to de-escalate the conflict.
a. Describe how each of the identified behaviors in prompt A2 could have been used to de-escalate the conflict.
Note: The suggested length for prompt A is 1-2 pages.
B. Recommend how each of the characters in the video (i.e., Raymond & Jenna) could have spoken or behaved differently to manage and resolve the conflict by specifically addressing each of the 5 steps of negotiation listed below:
- pre-negotiation
- opening
- exploration
- bargaining
- agreement
Note: The suggested length for prompt B is 1-2 pages.
C. Acknowledge sources-using in-text citations and references-for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Note: Sources are NOT required for this task, but if sources are used, they must be acknowledged and cited appropriately.
D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.