Describe how csss are used in developing websites.

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13951653

How do you secure a domain name and find a host for a website. Describe how CSSs are used in developing websites.

Why do you think website development would be important to a company's business model?

Reference no: EM13951653

Questions Cloud

Determines the face of selling at any particular age : It is undoubtingly true that technology determines the face of selling at any particular age. Paula and Anderson take us through a time journey showing the evolution of technology and how it changes the selling game
What is true of arbitrage pricing theory : What is true of Arbitrage pricing theory? 1) it is a single factor model 2) it is a multifactor model 3) it is frequently used by practitioners 4) It specifies the factors that influence stock returns
What is break-even level of earnings before interest-taxes : Chick 'N Fish is considering two different capital structures. The first option consists of 25,000 shares of stock. The second option consists of 15,000 shares of stock plus $150,000 of debt at an interest rate of 7.5 percent. Ignore taxes. What is t..
Expectations of the msacc program : (1) Why you believe you are prepared academically for graduate study and what have been your academic accomplishments. (2) Your motivation and leadership qualities as well as any previous accounting or business work experience. (3) Your expectations ..
Describe how csss are used in developing websites. : How do you secure a domain name and find a host for a website. Describe how CSSs are used in developing websites
Days for these receipts to clear the banking system : Float Simon Corporation has daily cash receipts of $65,000. A recent analysis of its collections indicated that customers’ payments were in the mail an average of 2.5 days. Once received, the payments are processed in 1.5 days. After payments are dep..
How could a global information system help the company : In the future, wants to expand to Australia, the Far East, South Africa, and countries in Europe. How could a global information system help the company?
Retirement plan guarantees : A retirement plan guarantees that you pay to your estate a fixed amount per year for 20 years. at the time of retirement you will have 470,000$ to your credit in the plan. The plan anticipates earning 6% interest during the period of time you are rec..
Understanding of the task of a marketer : This assessment involves writing about your understanding of the task of a marketer and their role in relation to demonstrating an understanding of how marketers go about changing customer's behaviour in order to get consumers to buy their brand.


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