Reference no: EM131267595
Choose one commercial and one noncommercial recreation activity or attraction, and discuss their similarities and differences. Be sure to include differences in management styles and customer service.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
Discuss the aspects of the casino industry that set it apart from other hospitality entities. What are the reasons behind the casino industry's amazing growth over the years?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
Describe a group/team meeting in which you were the leader, member, or observer.
Answer the following questions in your response:
1.Classify the type of group and the purpose of the meeting.
2.Describe specific task, maintenance, or self-centered roles you observed by group members.
3.How could the leader have enhanced group participation and the overall effectiveness of the meeting?
4.Were any channels used to communicate with geographically diverse audiences? If so, was the technology used effectively or ineffectively?
How could it have been improved?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
Library functions and user-defined functions
: Write an algorithm to expalin linear search method. Give the differences between library functions and user-defined functions.
Find transfer function and the free distance of this code
: Find the transfer function and the free distance of this code.
Objective of security are to provide availability
: 1. The Objective of security are to provide availability, integrity, and confidentiality protection to data and resources. List examples of these security states where an asset could lose these security states when attacked, compromised, or became..
List of security activities or controls
: List a security program in each level and provide a list of security activities or controls applied in these levels. Support your list with real world application data.
Describe how could leader have enhanced group participation
: How could the leader have enhanced group participation and the overall effectiveness of the meeting? Describe specific task, maintenance, or self-centered roles you observed by group members.
Implement the insertion sort algorithm
: Implement the Insertion Sort algorithm for sorting an array of n elements. In this algorithm, the main loop index i runs from 1 to n-1. On the ith iteration, the element a[i] is "inserted" into its correct position among the subarray a[0..i].
Verify whether or not this code is catastrophic
: The convolutional code of Problem 8.1 is used for transmission over an AWGN channel with hard decision decoding. The output of the demodulator detector is (101001011110111 ··· ). Using the Viterbi algorithm, find the transmitted sequence, assuming..
Examines the purpose and history of penitentiaries
: Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that examines the purpose and history of penitentiaries. Include the following: History of punishment History of prison development Comparison of the Pennsylvania system and the Auburn system Impact and involvement ..
How both film versions depart from the novel
: Show how both film versions depart from the novel and try to determine why. The why is very important here - Once you identify your three selections, discuss the impact of each on Steinbeck and his writing.