Describe how childs parents willl earn about his progress

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Reference no: EM133486861


Observation Interpretation of Janice Charles and Year 3 Checklist (Appendix C) and Final Submission to ePortfolio

To begin, review the Janice Charles observation and CDC Checklist ("Your Child at 3 Years") in Appendix C at the end of this document. The CDC Checklist is provided to help you interpret the observations made about Janice Charles.

After reviewing Appendix C, write your recommendations for Janice in a narrative of at least 250 words. This narrative should be based on your interpretation of the observations of Janice and your recommendations for her. Use the directions and prompts from Week 5 in crafting your narrative.

After reviewing Appendix C write your recommendations for Janice in a narrative of at least 250 words. This narrative should be based on your interpretation of the observations of Janice and your recommendations for her.In designing your recommendations, you must answer at least two of the following questions in detail:

A. Devise a plan for service delivery. Explain how the services you're recommending would impact the child's normal routine at the early childhood center. Detail what accommodations the lead teacher might need to make to ensure the child receives the same opportunities and experiences as other children in the class.

B. Choose how the services will be monitored, scheduled, and recorded. Describe how the child's parents willl earn about his/her progress.

C. Identify potential space concerns. What space does your center have where the child can receive therapy?

D. Examine whether the child should receive services at home on days away from the center.If so, indicate how communication will be established between your center and the home services

Reference no: EM133486861

Questions Cloud

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Describe how childs parents willl earn about his progress : Choose how the services will be monitored, scheduled, and recorded. Describe how the child's parents willl earn about his/her progress.
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What was the consequence or effect of the miscommunication : What was the consequence or effect of the miscommunication? State what should be done to avoid the same thing from happening in the future.


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