Describe how an organization can use its code of ethics

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Reference no: EM133761917

Question: Describe how an organization can use its 'code of ethics' to analyze the external environment.

What determines whether an intelligence-gathering practice is or is not ethical? Do you see this changing as the world's economies become more interdependent? If so, why? Do you see this changing because of the Internet? If so, how?

Do ethical practices affect an organization's ability to develop a brand as a source of competitive advantage? If so, how does this happen? Can you think of a brand that is a source of competitive advantage at least in part because of the organization's ethical practices?

Organizations are aware that competitors read information that is posted on their websites. Given this reality, is it ethical for an organization to include misleading information, for example, about its sources of competitive advantage on its website in hopes that the information will influence competitors to take certain actions as a result of viewing it?

Reference no: EM133761917

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