Describe group and distinguish among organizational groups

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132115258

One most likely will not do so well at building a team if one doesn’t understand groups. In fact, one essential focus of social psychology, sociology and cultural anthropology are groups. I remember a textbook on group dynamics that came in at over 500 pages. So there is much to know in this area.

For this assignment, you are to summarize two or three key concepts or principles that you wish to share from the book Chapter 4. Be sure to cite the page of the book, summarize the points that you think are important and then go into more depth and submit at least one quality resource from the Internet.

Below is a quick summary of sections in the chapter. 

Describe a Group and Distinguish Among Organizational Groups---Functional, Cross-Functional, Project, Virtual, and Interest-Friendship.

Explain the Stages of Group Development.

Discuss the Importance of Roles, Norms, Status, Cohesiveness, and Group Size to Group Behavior.

Describe How Communication and Decision-Making Styles, Risk Taking, and Creativity Affect Group Decisions.

List Ways in Which Groups Try to Gain Power over Other Groups.

Identify Ways to Resolve Intergroup Conflict.

Identify Important Factors in Building Effective Teams.

Explain How to Conduct a Successful Job Hunt.

Length of Submission: 300 to 400 words

Reference no: EM132115258

Questions Cloud

Format of the business report : Further detail on the format of the business report are provided below.Case study: Who goes, Who stays?
Most readily used in power-over and destructive manner : Which of the powers listed below are most readily used in a power-over and destructive manner?
Decide which product needs to be manufactured at what rate : Retailer stocking preferences: The retailer stocking model can help manufacturers gain critical insights which will allow the manufacturer to decide.
Contemporary management environment : In the contemporary management environment, mergers and acquisitions are hot topics; particularly as mergers and acquisitions are among the most commonly
Describe group and distinguish among organizational groups : Describe a Group and Distinguish Among Organizational Groups---Functional, Cross-Functional, Project, Virtual, and Interest-Friendship.
Consider how the psychology of pricing affects : Consider how the psychology of pricing affects you. Were you happy with the offer? Did you feel misled or cheated? Did you experience mixed emotions?
Difference between cash generation and profit-loss : Cash flow provides the consistency to pay expenses, invest in new opportunities and grow the business. Cash flow is the primary indicator to measure financial.
The majority shareholder of jewelry outlets : Jim Halter, the majority shareholder of J-Mart Jewelry Outlets, Inc., was aware that J-Mart was in financial trouble.
Different types of evaluation and management codes : Describing at least three different types of E/M Evaluation and Management codes available and the guidelines for each type.


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