Describe general structure and organization of governments

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131219705

Research Paper on Vietnam

Paper: National identity, history of 1-2 pages, state policy, use Dahl's seven characteristics of democracies, 10 pages.

Ststructure of government. Describe the general structure and organization of the government. Identify the key state institutions such as executive offices, legislative bodies, high courts, etc. State what the powers and duties are of these institutions, and how they operate (or fail to operate, as the case may be).

· Electoral system, if applicable. Describe the type of electoral system used in the country, and identify the key offices staffed by elected officials.

· Role of political parties

· Role of military, if involved in political process

· Political culture, including major historical events and personalities that have contributed to the political culture shaped the current government structure

Classify the regime type, based on what you've learned in class about the different kinds of regimes (democratic or authoritarian, and if the later, what kind of authoritarian) and what your research has taught you about your chosen state. Explain clearly why you think the regime should be thus classified. For this you will need to examine the information you find out about the state in light of the characteristics of democracies (Dahl) and the ‘methods of control' used by authoritarian states we will cover in class.

I will be very interested in seeing how well you have integrated the concepts we have studied in the course into your paper. Bear that in mind as you write it; the degree to which your paper reflects understanding of these concepts will have a direct bearing on your grade.

Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12 font exactly. There is no set requirement for length; the information in the paper must cover completely the topics described above. Charts and diagrams are encouraged if they support the points you are making (add them to the end as appendices).

You do not have to cite your sources for every fact in the body of the paper, but you must include a list of sources you consulted as an appendix.

Book used is Introduction to comparative politics seventh edition by Kesselman, Krieger, joseph.

Reference no: EM131219705

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