Describe forensic approaches for IoT devices

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Reference no: EM132372206 , Length: word count:2700

Digital Forensics Assignment - Digital Forensics: Challenges and approaches

Unit Learning Outcomes covered in this assessment - Students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcomes:

a. Investigate the nature and extent of a network intrusion.

b. Demonstrate competence in applying industry-standard forensic analysis techniques.

Assignment Description -

Tasks: There are two parts to this assignment, i.e. part A and part B.

A. Write a review article on one of the following topics (Topic 1). Your tutor will allocate you a group number (maximum four students in a group) and your topic.

B. Presentation.

Part A description:

Topic 1 - Internet of Things Forensics: Challenges and approaches

Today is the era of Internet of Things (IoT), millions of machines such as cars, smoke detectors, watches, glasses, webcams, and other things that have the ability to connect, collect and exchange data over a wired and wireless network are being connected to the internet. The number of machines that possess the ability of remote access to monitor and collect data is continuously increasing. This development makes, on one hand, the human life more comfortable, convenient, but it also raises on other hand issues on security and privacy. However, this development also raises challenges for the digital investigator when IoT devices is involved in criminal scenes. Your article should cover the following points.

  • Histrory and background of the Internet of Things Forensics
  • Compare between traditional digital forensics vs. IoT forensics
  • Describe forensic approaches for IoT devices
  • Address the issues of IoT forensics
  • Discuss the type of evidences that could be found with challenges in IoT forensics
  • Analyse and discuss the significance of digital forensics for the IoT ecosystem
  • Analyse and review the existing techniques for IoT forensics and identify the best technique
  • Propose/ Review a number of solutions that can be taken to overcome these challenges
  • Challenges and analysis of their possible solutions.

Topic 2 - Cloud Forensics: Challenges and approaches

Cloud computing may well become one of the most transformative technologies in the history of computing. As a result of the technology and methods used in cloud computing, the forensic investigation techniques face different types of issues while inspecting the case. Write a research survey of the forensic challenges in cloud computing and analyze their most recent solutions and developments. Your article should cover the following points.

  • Describe forensic approaches for IoT devices
  • Discuss the type of evidences that could be found with challenges in Cloud computing
  • Analyse and discuss the significance of digital forensics for the Cloud computing.
  • A Review of Cloud Forensics Issues & Challenges
  • Describe the issues in cloud computing
  • List of challenges and analysis of their possible solutions.

Instructions: Prepare your article as below

1. Go to the IEEE website and download the WORD template for the format.

2. Read and familiarize yourself with the instructions carefully.

3. Prepare a paper using the IEEE format and the example attached. Follow the template if there are any confusions. Also, refer to the link below to have ideas about how to start.

4. Complete the assignment (minimum 5 and maximum 8 pages) including all the sections below. The number of words will be counted thoroughly and you must keep the minimum number of words to avoid any penalties.

  • Title (maximum 15 words)
  • Abstract (200 - 250 words)
  • Introduction (500 - 1000 words)
  • Literature Review (700 - 2000 words)
  • Main body (1000 - 2000 words)
  • Conclusion (200 - 300 words)
  • Future Works (150 - 300 words)
  • References (minimum 10 references)

6. The article must be a 'Review' article including at least 5 references and not more than 25.

7. Strictly follow the IEEE reference format for in-body citations and the references section.

8. Contents must include:

  • History and background of the topic
  • Challenges and drawbacks
  • Possible options (solutions) and future research areas proposed
  • Include a minimum of two (2) figures to show the overall concept and summarized overview of the topic from the review of minimum 10 - 15 (but not limited to) papers
  • If applicable, include a table to summarize the result of findings.

Part B description:

Prepare slides (between 5 - 10 slides) for presentation during the lab class. Read the instruction attached carefully.

Attachment:- Digital Forensics Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132372206

Questions Cloud

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9/18/2019 1:49:00 AM

Word limit – 2700 words. Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA or IEEE referencing style for School of Business and School of Information Technology and Engineering respectively.


9/18/2019 1:48:52 AM

Marking criteria: Example of marking criteria are shown in the following table. Marks are allocated as follows: Conforming to the template and format - No marks will be given and severe penalties will apply for any breach of the format and template. Fonts, sizes, spacing, captions, headings, etc. will also be checked thoroughly. Be thorough and follow fully when using the template and format instruction to avoid penalties 10 marks. Figures and tables created - They should be created yourself and not copied from elsewhere. For full marks, you should create at least 2 figures and 2 tables 20 marks.


9/18/2019 1:48:44 AM

Main sections - Main body structures and contents quality including word limit 40 marks. Literature review - Severe penalties apply for simple listing and describing. It should be a logically support analysis that reaches the review conclusion that should be included at the end of the section. Check word limit 10 marks. In body citation Strictly follow the order and instruction by IEEE. Check when/where to put the citation. See attached files and search the internet for guidelines 5 marks. References section - Check whether they follow the instruction. Otherwise, no marks will be provided 5 marks. Presentation - Presentation skills and materials quality 10 marks.


9/18/2019 1:48:36 AM

Marking Rubric - Concise and specific to the project. Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately. Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately. All elements are present and very well integrated. Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments. Clear styles with excellent source of references.

Write a Review

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