Describe five methods of recruiting staff

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Reference no: EM132358635

Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes Assignment 1 -

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Describe five methods of recruiting staff.

2. Describe the purpose of an assessment centre in a recruitment process.

3. Outline three advantages of using an assessment centre to determine a candidate's suitability for a position.

4. Explain the concept of human resources outsourcing.

5. Discuss two advantages of outsourcing HR functions.

6. Describe the function and scope of industrial relations.

7. Describe the purpose of an employment contract.

8. Describe how modern awards relate to employment contracts.

9. Access the modern award Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 on the Fair Work Commission web site and answer the following questions:

a. What is the minimum hourly rate for a Grade 5 Cook?

b. If the cook is employed as a regular casual cook, what is the casual loading that must be paid?

c. If the cook is a regular casual employee at Grade 5 and worked 8 hours from 9 am to 5.30 pm with a 30-minute lunch break, what will be the total amount paid to the cook.

d. Identify the minimum weekly wages for a kitchen attendant grade 1 and calculate the annual salary based on this amount.

e. If a cook is required to use their own tools at work, what is the allowance that the employer must pay per week and how much does this amount to annually?

10. Explain the purpose of a registered agreement.

11. Summarise the 10 minimum workplace entitlements in the National Employment standards for a permanent employee of an organisation.

12. State how long employees' records must be kept for according to the Fair Work Act 2009.

13. Summarise at least four examples of the information that must be kept for each employee according to the Fair Work Act and the Fair Work Regulations 2009.

14. Explain when a pay slip must be provided to an employee and what information must be included in the pay slip under the Fair Work Act 2009.

15. How much notice must be provided to an employee who is to be dismissed?

16. Who is and who is not covered by unfair dismissal laws?

17. Explain why is important to advise potential employees of the terms and conditions of employment during the recruitment process?

18. Explain the purpose and relevance of psychometric tests in recruitment.

19. Explain the purpose and relevance of skills tests in recruitment.

Assessment Task 2: Human resources needs project

Task summary - As the Human Resources Manager for Grow Management Consultants, you are required to identify the organisation's objectives for recruitment, selection and induction and develop a briefing report on this, as well as effective use of technology in human resources.  

Following approval to proceed based on your briefing report, you will be required to develop recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure, as well as a position description template and interview guidelines. 

You will also provide an information and training session to senior management on the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure and supporting documents.

This task will be completed in the simulated work environment at your RTO.

Carefully read the following:

Grow Management Consultants is a small management consultancy business specialising in leadership development services.

Paul Burn, the Principal Consultant, established the company in 2010 and was a sole operator for a number of years. However, in the last two years, the number of clients has grown, and an increasing number of staff have been employed. Currently the company employs three senior consultants on an annual contract basis. The company also employs a full-time Client Relations Manager and an Administration Officer.

Due to expected continued expansion of the company and therefore staff, the company has recently employed a Human Resources Manager whose primary role in the first instance will be to formalise the human resources functions. Currently the only formal document used for human resources is the staff employment contract template, which is customised according to the staff member employed. The company does have a new Strategic Plan, which includes objectives for staffing.

As part of the formalisation of the human resources function, you (in the role of the Human Resources Manager) have been asked as a first step to develop an appropriate recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures. This will also involve developing supporting documents, including a request for position form and a sample position description template that can be used to document all new positions.

In addition, as part of this work you have been tasked with conducting research into recruitment and selection methods to ensure that the policy and procedure reflects a range of recruitment and selection methods that can be used to ensure high quality candidates are attracted to roles and then selected. You are also required to research technology that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process.

Complete the following activities:

1. Analyse company information and conduct research

Review the documents provided to you as resources for this assessment task, the Strategic Plan, Employment Agreement Template and the Staff Code of Conduct.

Analyse the information included in these documents to identify objectives for human resources, existing human resources policies and practices and recruitment needs. Identify any gaps in the existing human resources documentation.

Conduct research on the range of recruitment and selection methods that can be used. You should review as a minimum three recruitment and selection methods. You should also research the role of assessment centres in recruitment and selection, as well as outsourcing.

Conduct research on effective human resources policies and procedures, as well as supporting forms/documents that need to be developed. Make notes on areas to be included in a policy and procedures, as well as supporting forms and documents that need to be developed.

Conduct research on the effective use of technology in human resources as per your analysis of the company's strategic objectives and operational priorities.

Make notes for use in the briefing report that you will develop in the next activity.

2. Develop a Human Resources requirements briefing report

Use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work on this activity. As a guide, your report should be approximately 3 - 4 pages.

This part of the assessment requires you to develop a briefing report for the Principal Consultant that addresses:

  • Purpose of the report.
  • An analysis of strategic objectives and operational priorities of the organisation and an outline of current and future human resources requirements based on the analysis, including the need for recruitment of staff.
  • An outline of existing human resources policies and practices.
  • A review of at least three recruitment and three selection methods, as well as the role of assessment centres and psychometric and skills testing in recruitment and selection and the concept of outsourcing.
  • Review of relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may affect recruitment, selection and induction and that need to be addressed within the policy and procedure.
  • An outline of a recommended human resources policy and procedure and supporting forms/documents required. See also minimum inclusions outlined below.
  • A review of options for technology for the human resources function and that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the human resources function.

3. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English and written in a professional style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their approval to move forward with the project.

Attach your briefing report to the email.

Your assessor, in the role of the Principal Consultant, will review the report and email you with feedback and approval to proceed to developing the required human resources policies and procedures and forms.

4. Develop a Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures.

Use the Policy and Procedures Template to guide your work. As a guide, your policy and procedures should be at least 3 pages. It should be written in clear and concise English in order to ensure usability by all.

You may also include other areas as identified through your research, but as a minimum it should address the following:

  • Purpose of the policy
  • Scope: who it applies to, as well as relevant Commonwealth and state/territory legislation addressed by the policy and procedures
  • Other regulations, standards and codes of practice that affect recruitment.
  • Objectives of the policy and procedures, including equality and diversity
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Relevant procedures relating to recruitment, selection and induction.
  • A range of appropriate recruitment and selection processes for the organisation.

5. Develop a Position Description template

This will support the human resources policies and procedures. Use the Fair Work Australia Position Description to guide your work. As a guide, this document should be about one page.

This must include a position description form/template that can be used by managers to develop position descriptions.

As a minimum, it should include the following headings:

  • Job title
  • Location
  • Reporting responsibilities (who is the manager/supervisor)
  • Main duties/responsibilities
  • Skills and experience
  • Performance goals

The position description form should also provide brief notes under each heading to guide managers in completing the form.

6. Develop guidelines for conducting effective interviews that could be used to assist managers in conducting interviews with potential employees.

As a minimum, the interview guidelines should include:

  • Developing interview questions
  • Note-taking during interviews
  • Getting the best out of candidates

As a guide, this document should be about one page.

7. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate polite, business-like style.

The email should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments and seek their approval to move forward with the project.

Attach the following to the email:

  • Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures
  • Position Description template
  • Guidelines for conducting effective interviews

Paul Burn, the Principal Consultant, has asked you to present the new recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures and supporting forms and documents to senior management. You are to conduct an information and training session with your colleagues.

The focus will be on seeking support for the documents and providing information and training. It will also be an opportunity to get feedback on the forms and documents that you have developed.

You will then use the feedback from your colleagues to update the documents.

8. Conduct an information and training session

The session will last for approximately 30 minutes and be attended by three staff members (your assessor role-playing a Senior Consultant and two students role-playing another Senior Consultant and the Client Relations Manager).

At the information and training session you will need to:

  • Carefully explain the importance of the new Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy in relation to the way the organisation manages its industrial relations.
  • Carefully explain the new Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures you have developed.
  • Carefully explain the position description template and interview guidelines you have developed.
  • Trial the position description you have developed by getting participants to complete it based on the sample job description you identified.
  • Following this activity, discuss any changes that need to be made to the documents, including the position description template you trialled.

Prior to the information and training session you should source a job description as an example job description to input into the position description template. Use Seek or any other source to identify an example. The focus is on providing training to staff, rather than the job description itself.

Staff members present at the session will ask you questions and provide feedback on the policy and procedure and supporting documents you have developed. You will need to incorporate this into the final versions, so you will need to take notes.

You are to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • Speaking clearly and concisely
  • Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
  • Asking open questions to identify required information
  • Responding to questions as required
  • Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

Your assessor will advise you of the place, date and time that you will deliver your information and training session.

9. Update documents

Update your policy and procedures and supporting documents according to the feedback provided at the session you conducted.

You should make at least one change to each document based on the feedback you receive.

10. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

The email should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments and seek their approval.

You should do this within 3 days of the meeting. Meeting this timeline is assessable.

Attach your final drafts of the following to the email:

  • Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures
  • position description template
  • guidelines for conducting effective interviews

Assessment Task 3: Recruitment and selection project

This assessment task requires you, in the role of the Human Resources Manager, to manage the recruitment process by arranging the completion of a position description, developing a job advertisement based on the position description and identifying and reporting on potential recruitment consultants.

This task will be completed in the simulated work environment at your RTO.

Carefully read the following:

The Principal Consultant has decided that the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures requires line managers, rather than human resources personnel to develop position descriptions. The Principal Consultant has approached you to discuss the appointment of an Accounts Officer.

As the Principal Consultant was not able to make the information and training session that you conducted in Assessment Task 2, you are required to meet with them to provide support and training in completing the position description.

You will provide the template to the Principal Consultant and provide support and training to assist the Principal Consultant to complete the template with the job role details following your meeting.

Complete the following activities:

1. Meet with the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

The objective of the meeting is to provide support and training in regard to completing the position description template that you developed in Assessment Task 2.

The Principle Consultant (your assessor) will be attending the meeting in the role of specialist, to assist you in developing the template.

At the meeting, provide a printed copy of the position description template that you developed in Assessment Task 2, and go through each of the areas that needs to be completed, as well as the level of detail that is expected.

You will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely, asking open questions responding to questions and active listening.

The Principal Consultant (your assessor) will ask you questions about using the template.

2. Develop an advertisement for the position of Accounts Officer to be placed on Seek. Following the meeting, you will receive an email with the completed position descriptions for the Accounts Officer from the Principal Consultant (your assessor). Based on the information provided, you are required to develop the job advertisement in accordance with the organisational and legislative requirements as specified in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures that you developed as part of Assessment Task 2.

You will also need to calculate the remuneration amount as indicated in the position description sent to you.

Your advertisement must clearly reflect the requirements of the position description, as well as include brief company information and remuneration details as per your calculations. It should also meet the requirements as set out in your recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures.

Write the advertisement in a newly created Word document and save it as Job Advertisement.

3. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their final approval for the document.

Attach the job advertisement to the email.

4. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

Assume that the Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures require all terms and conditions to be clear within recruitment advertisements. The email text should provide a clear rationale as to why the terms and conditions are an important part of the recruitment process.

5. Research recruitment consultants

Find at least two recruitment consultants that could be used, should the Seek advertisement not attract the right kind of candidate. Identify the services offered by the recruitment consultants, as well as contact details, and a write a few sentences on each, describing the company and the claims that it makes about itself.

Create a new Word document for this activity and save it as Research Document.

6. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

The email should explain that you have conducted research into using recruitment consultants, and why it may be necessary to use these consultants.

Attach your research document to the email.

Assessment Task 4: Manage selection process

Task summary - This assessment task requires you, in the role of the Human Resources Manager, to manage the selection process as set out in the company's Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures. 

This task will be completed in the simulated work environment at your RTO.

Carefully read the following:

Grow Management Consultants have the following procedure for staff selection:

1. Human Resources department receives applications from candidates.

2. Human Resources department advises relevant line manager that applications have been received and provides copies to line manager.

3. Human resources department reminds line manager of selection procedures to be followed.

4. Line manager shortlists candidates and then meets with Human Resources department to discuss and confirm.

5. Human resources department contacts shortlisted candidates to arrange interview.

6. Line managers conduct interviews. Human resources department will only be included in the selection panel for senior management appointments.

7. Human resources reviews selection panel report and endorses decision or otherwise.

8. Successful candidate approached with letter of offer.

9. Unsuccessful candidates informed.

The Human Resources department has now received a number of applications for the position of Accounts Officer, and you need to manage the selection process to ensure that the above selection procedures are followed.

Complete the following activities:

1. Send an email to the Principal Consultant

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

Your email should indicate that applications have been received and that the files are available for the Principal Consultant to review. In your email, you should use the opportunity to remind the Principal Consultants of the selection process.

You should provide a brief overview of the selection procedures in your own words as set out in the information above.

2. Develop a script for contacting shortlisted candidates to arrange an interview

Review the selection procedures above and arrange interviews via telephone with the successful candidates.

The proposed interview date is 6 October, and interview times are 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm. Each interview is expected to take 1 hour, and candidates will be asked set questions which they must reply to. The location of the interview will be at Head Office, Level 1, 10 Martin Street, Newcastle. There will be two interviewers, yourself as the Human Resources Manager and the Principal Consultant.

Develop a suitable script for your roleplay phone call, including introducing yourself, your position and the company, advising that the candidate has been successful in obtaining an interview and giving them the date and time as well as advising them about the interview process. Give the candidate the opportunity to indicate their preferred time.

When you have developed your script, practice it for use during the roleplay with your assessor.

3. Roleplay contacting shortlisted candidates to arrange an interview.

You are required to complete the role-play at the time and date advised by your assessor.

During the roleplay, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills, including speaking clearly and concisely, responding to questions and active listening.

The roleplay will be conducted over the phone with your assessor playing the role of the candidate.

4. Complete the selection report

Assume that the interviews have been conducted. You need to review the Selection Report produced by the selection panel following the interview for the position of Accounts Officer and decide whether to endorse or not endorse their selection of the preferred candidate for the role of the Accounts Officer.

When you have read the Selection Report and the Selection Approval Policy, make a decision as to whether you should endorse the selection panel's decision or not.

Complete the highlighted sections of the Selection Report to show your decision.

Save this document as Reviewed Selection Report.

5. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English and written in a professional style.

It must provide a summary statement to say whether you are endorsing or not endorsing the Panel's decision.

Attach your reviewed selection report to the email.

6. Develop a letter of offer for the selected candidate.

This letter will be for the new appointment, so it has to advise of salary and terms and conditions of appointment.

Use the Letter of Offer Guidelines to guide your work.

Include the basic employment terms and conditions as per the National Employment Standards. You will need to research these standards in order to input the information.

You will also need to explain the purpose of the employee contract to the new employee.

You will be assessed as to whether your letter of offer includes all the relevant information based on the position description given.

7. Develop a standard letter to be sent out to all unsuccessful candidates.

Your letter to unsuccessful candidates must be clear and concise, and you will be assessed on this.

Save this document as Rejection Letter.

8. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments.

Attach your Letter of Offer/Employment Contract and your rejection letter to the email.

Send this email immediately following your confirmation of the selection report so as to demonstrate that you have attended to this matter promptly.

Assessment Task 5: Induction project

Task summary - This assessment task requires you, in the role of the Human Resources Manager, to manage the induction process. 

This will include developing an induction checklist and providing training for the Principal Consultant on the use of the checklist and induction processes to be followed. You will also be expected to provide feedback to the new Accounts Officer as part of the probationary process, then update the induction processes and check that induction processes are followed across the organisation. 

This task will be completed in the simulated work environment at your RTO.

Carefully read the following:

It is two weeks later and Maggie, the new Accounts Officer, will be commencing her employment the following week.

Assume that you have decided to implement an induction checklist to be used by all staff as part of the induction process to ensure that the induction process is comprehensive and systematic.

When you have finished developing the checklist, you are required to provide training to the Principal Consultant on the use of the checklist, as he will be inducting Maggie the following week.

Complete the following tasks:

1. Develop an induction checklist

Research and develop an induction checklist that could be used by Grow Consultants to support the induction process for any new staff member.

The induction checklist should be between one and two pages long.

Your checklist should cover the following:

  • Explanation of purpose of new induction checklist.
  • Overview of the induction process as per the Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedure
  • Outline of each of the checklist items and clearly explain requirements.
  • Duration (how long it should take to fill the checklist out).

It should also include brief guidance to managers about completing the checklist. You will be revising the checklist following a discussion with the Principle Consultant, so save this version of the document as Draft Induction Checklist.

2. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English and written in a professional, business-like style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for the place, date and time of a meeting to discuss it.

Attach your draft induction checklist to the email.

3. Train the Principal Consultant in the use of the induction checklist at a short meeting. The Principal Consultant will soon provide Maggie's induction, so explain the use of the induction checklist to the Principal Consultant (your assessor) first.

During this short meeting (about 15 minutes), you are to provide an overview of the induction process as set out in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedure. You should also indicate that you are able to provide ongoing support regarding the induction process and at least one way in which you will provide this.

You should bring a printed copy of the draft induction checklist to the meeting to provide to the Principal Consultant, as well as a copy for yourself.

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • Speaking clearly and concisely
  • Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
  • Asking open questions to identify required information
  • Responding to questions as required
  • Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

4. Update your induction checklist

The changes that you make should include the feedback given to you by the Principal Consultant during the meeting.

Save this document as Updated Induction Checklist.

5. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English and written in a professional style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.

The text should include a summary of the changes made to the induction checklist.

Your email should indicate that ongoing support could be provided as required.

Attach your updated induction checklist to the email.

It is a month later, and you meet with the Principal Consultant to discuss the performance of the new Accounts Officer, Maggie, as she is on a 3-month probation.

The Principal Consultant indicates that while he is happy with Maggie's performance overall, she doesn't seem to be as productive and motivated as he would like. He explains that she sometimes seems to be waiting for direction instead of getting on with things. He would like you to meet with her to discuss this.

6. Develop a script for providing feedback to a probationary employee and to seek feedback on the induction process

Develop a suitable script for your roleplay meeting with Maggie (your assessor), including the purpose of the meeting, probationary terms and feedback to be provided.

You will be using the meeting as an opportunity to gain feedback on the induction process so as to determine whether the process is meeting the required objective of ensuring all employees understand their job role and responsibilities.

Ensure that your script allows for Maggie to provide feedback.

Save this document as Probationary Employee Script.

Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the meeting.

7. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for the place, date and time of the meeting.

Attach your Probationary Employee Script to the email.

8. Meet with the probationary employee.

Meet with your assessor, roleplaying Maggie, to discuss her performance using the script that you have developed.

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • Speaking clearly and concisely
  • Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
  • Asking open questions to identify required information
  • Responding to questions as required
  • Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

You will need to demonstrate appropriate non-verbal communication skills to show that you are open to Maggie's views, as well as being empathetic.

9. Send an email to the company's Managers (your assessor).

Given Maggie's feedback on the induction process, assume that you have also decided to review the induction process and seek feedback from managers on the extent to which the induction process is meeting its objectives. So, the objective of the email is to obtain feedback from managers on the induction process.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

10. Develop recommendations for improving the induction process

Assume that you have received feedback from staff as documented in Induction Processes Feedback. Use the outcomes of the meeting with Maggie, as well as the Induction Process Feedback to develop recommendations for improving the induction process. In addition, conduct research on best practice induction processes.

Your report should also recommend changes to the induction section of the Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedure you developed in Assessment Task 2 based on the feedback and research on best practice induction processes.

Save this document as Induction Process Improvements Report.

11. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor) about the feedback gathered. Your email should be in grammatically correct English and written in a professional style. The text of your email should include your recommendations for improving the induction process as specified in the Induction Processes Improvements report.

It should also ask for approval to update the Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures.

Attach your Induction Process Improvements Report to the email.

12. Update the company's Recruitment, Selection and Induction policy and procedures.

When you have received approval from the Principal Consultant (your assessor) for your amendments, update the induction process in the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures you wrote for Assessment Task 2, activity 4.

13. Write an email to all staff (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English and written in a professional, business-like style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.

Attach your updated Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures to the email.

You have received a report from human resources (Induction Data Report) that gives information on inductions that have been conducted, and that you want to check that they have been conducted according to the required timeframe, which is within one week of the employee's commencement of employment and then a further follow up induction within one month of the employee's induction.

14. Check that induction processes are being followed

Review the Induction Data Report and the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures to identify whether the induction processes are being completed as required.

15. Send an email to the responsible staff member (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English and written in a professional, business-like style.

The text should outline the issues, restating timelines and offering further training and ongoing support as required.

It should also introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.

Attach your updated Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures to the email.

Manage Workforce Planning Assignment 2 -

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain how the ABS Labour Force Survey can be used by an organisation to assist in workforce planning.

2. Outline the purpose of the Labour Market Information Portal and give two examples of information included in the Portal that can assist with workforce planning.

3. Explain the purpose of the National Skill Needs List and how it can be used for workforce planning.

4. Outline the key provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.

5. Outline the minimum entitlements of National Employment Standards that have to be provided to all employees.

6. Explain the purpose of enterprise agreements.

7. Explain the use of modern awards in workplaces.

8. Identify at least two examples of modern awards using the Fair Work Ombudsman website. Write down the name of the award and the minimum wages under the award and minimum working hours.

9. Outline the role of trade unions in the Australian work relations system and indicate whether employees are required to join a union.

10. Outline the role of the Fair Work Commission in Australia's national workplace relations system.

11. List two sources of expert advice that could be used when seeking industrial relations advice. Include the name of the organization and the services they provide.

12. Describe the purpose of the labour force participation rate and how it can assist in analysing the labour force.

13. Describe the purpose of the employment to population rate and how it can assist in analysing the labour force.

14. Outline two commonly used forecasting models that can assist with identifying future workforce needs.

Assessment Task 2: Develop a workforce plan project

Task summary  - This assessment task requires you to conduct research and develop a workforce plan for King Edward VII College. You will also be required to communicate the rationale for, as well as objectives of, the plan to the CEO.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Carefully read the following:

King Edward VII College was established in 2010. The College is based in the Melbourne CBD and it offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business. It currently has around 500 students enrolled across all of its courses.

The College is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state of the art facilities.

Due to its success, the College plans to establish two additional campuses, one in Brisbane and one in Sydney. The Brisbane campus will commence in October 2018 and Sydney in early 2019. Campus locations are already in place, with the process being overseen mainly by the CEO and Finance Manager. No staff have been employed as yet, but it is anticipated that each campus will require a receptionist, a student services officer and 4 trainers.

All other staff functions will be completed by existing staff at the Sydney campus until such time as student numbers increase substantially.

It is anticipated that maximum student numbers at the new campuses will be up to 50 students per campus.

The College currently employs 24 staff members. That includes the CEO, a Marketing Manager and a Marketing Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and approximately 14 trainers.

Information about the staff, including employment status, age, gender and cultural background is provided in Workforce Information 2017.

All staff are employed via individual contracts, and there is no enterprise agreement in place.

Complete the following activities:

1. Research workforce requirements

Review the scenario information, as well as the Strategic and Operational Plan and Workforce Information 2017.

Identify sources of information that you can use to research workforce supply in the education sector as in the scenario information and as indicated below.

Make notes in relation to:

  • The organisation's requirements for a skilled and diverse workforce as reflected in its strategic objectives.
  • Workforce issues as identified in the Strategic Plan and that must be reflected in workforce objectives.
  • Workforce objectives that are required to meet the overall strategic objectives.
  • Workforce characteristics of King Edward VII College staff, including employment status, age, gender and culture.
  • Assessment of staff turnover rate and whether the rate is acceptable or not.
  • Factors affecting workforce supply, including economic conditions, industry trends, skills and labour shortages, unemployment rate and competition for workers. Your analysis should be both general, as well as specific to the education sector within which King Edward VII College operates.
  • The industrial relations framework that applies to King Edward VII College workforce.

Your notes should be comprehensive, as you will need to use them to complete the workforce plan template that you have been provided with.

2. Develop a workforce action plan

Using your research and the notes that you have made, develop your workforce plan.

The workforce plan that you develop must address:

  • Purpose of the workforce plan
  • Strategic objectives and key workforce requirements
  • External environment analysis to identify external factors that impact on the company and its workforce
  • Industrial relations relating to the education and training industry, as well as King Edward VII College
  • Analysis of current workforce characteristics and profile using workforce information provided.
  • Future workforce needs
  • Gap analysis to identify the gaps between future workforce need and existing workers
  • Workforce plan objectives, including attracting and retaining skilled staff and workforce diversity and cross-cultural management.
  • Key workforce plan issues and actions.
  • Communication and consultation strategy to assist with organisational changes.
  • Contingency plans so as to ensure that the organization can access skilled labour in the event of unplanned events.

Use the Workforce Action Plan Template to guide your work.

3. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment, seek their feedback and for the place, date and time of a meeting to discuss it.

Attach your workforce action plan to the email.

4. Meet with the CEO to establish agreement on workforce action plan.

This part of the assessment requires you to meet with the CEO (roleplayed by your assessor) to discuss the workforce plan you have developed and seek their input.

Print off a copy of your workforce action plan to take with you to the meeting.

Take notes on the CEO's feedback, as you will be expected to update your action plan with this in the next activity.

Before concluding the meeting, ensure that you have the CEO's approval and endorsement of your plan.

You should gain their agreement and support for the plan's objectives and proposed performance indicators.

During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • Speaking clearly and concisely
  • Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
  • Asking questions to identify required information
  • Responding to questions as required
  • Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

5. Revise the Workforce Action Plan

Update your Workforce Action Plan, incorporating the CEO's feedback from the meeting. Name this document Revised Workforce Action Plan.

6. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the meeting and the contents of the attachment, and seek their approval.

Attach your revised workforce action plan to the email.

Assessment Task 3: Diversity objectives implementation project

Task summary - In this assessment task, you are required to review initiatives in the Workforce Plan for King Edward VII College relating to recruitment and diversity. You will also assist the College in being recognized as an employer of choice, and implement the required actions.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Review the following information from the King Edward VII College Workforce Plan:






Attract and retain a diverse workforce/be known as an employer of choice regarding diversity

Update recruitment, selection and induction procedures to increase diversity of employees

Organisational capacity to fill vacancies

Human resources

End 2018

Acknowledging and celebrating calendar days that relate to workplace diversity

Develop a calendar of events

Various important dates and cultural events are advertised and celebrated

Human resources

End 2018

Complete the following activities:

1. Update Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures to increase diversity Review the scenario information above, as well as the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures for King Edward VII College.

Use the internet to research best practice for increasing diversity through improved recruitment and selection practices.

Update the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure to reflect best practice procedures for increasing diversity in recruitment and selection.

7. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment. The email text should outline the importance of diversity in recruitment and selection as well as key changes that you have made to the Policy and Procedures.

Attach your Updated Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures to the email.

2. Develop a diversity calendar for 2019

Review the scenario information above.

Research important dates for diversity and cultural events occurring in 2019 in Sydney. Identify at least 6 important dates and develop a calendar of events. For each event, identify how the College will celebrate that day or event.

Your calendar may be developed in any format, as long as it addresses the above content requirements.

3. Send an email to King Edward VII College staff (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.

The email text should explain the purpose of the calendar and advising staff to note the dates in their calendar.

Attach your diversity calendar to the email.

Assessment Task 4: Workforce planning implementation project

Task summary - In this assessment task, the student is required to implement a number of actions from the Workforce Plan for King Edward VII College to assist in meeting agreed objectives for training, redeployment and redundancy, as well as succession planning and being an employer of choice.

Review the following information from the King Edward VII College Workforce Plan:






Ageing workforce, general attrition

Succession planning to ensure that key roles are identified. Nominate internal candidates who can fill the roles. Develop a training plan for identified individuals.

Organisational capacity to fill vacancies as they arise

Human resources

End 2018

No formal policies and procedures in place for retirement and redeployment.

Develop a retirement and redeployment policy

Formal processes in place for retirement and redeployment

Human resources

End 2018

Carefully read the following:

It has been identified that a critical position within the College is the Human Resources Manager. That means that if this position is vacant, it would have a significant impact on the organisation. While it has been identified that there is no shortage of Human Resources professionals, it is considered that the specialized nature of human resources within the College means it would be preferable to develop the talent from within.

A current employee, Jackie Smith, has been identified as an employee with potential for the role. Jackie has recently returned to the workforce and is working in an administration role. However, prior to leaving the workforce to bring up her children, Jackie was working in a human resources officer role. Jackie applied for the administration position as she only wanted to work part-time. However, it has been identified over time that Jackie may like to move into a full-time position and it has identified that she has the potential to do this.

Jackie has recently completed a self-assessment against a Role Competencies Statement in order to identify areas that she would need to develop in.

Complete the following activities:

1. Implement succession planning program

Review the Role Competencies Statement. Develop a career development plan for Jackie using the Career Development Plan Template.

The opportunities that you identify for Jackie should include a range of opportunities, including job assignments that develop a candidate's competencies, coaching and mentoring and formal training.

The career development plan you develop should include at least six opportunities to be completed over the upcoming 12 months.

2. Develop redundancy and redeployment policy and procedures.

Assume that it has been identified that there is no formal process in place within King Edward VII College for redundancy and deployment. Previously, redundancies or redeployments have not been identified as issues in the workforce plan, but now a formal process is required.

Develop King Edward VII redundancy and redeployment policy and procedures that include:

  • Introduction
  • Aim of policy
  • Key principles
  • Definitions of redeployment and redundancy
  • Redeployment procedure
  • Redundancy procedure, including entitlements as per the Fair Work Act

Use the Redundancy and Redeployment Policy and Procedures Template to guide your work.

3. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments.

Attach your career development plan, and your redundancy and redeployment policy and procedures to the email.

Assessment Task 5: Workforce plan review and evaluation briefing report

Task summary - This assessment task requires the student, in the role of Human Resources Manager for King Edward VII College to review the workforce plan, as well as evaluate workforce trends.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Assume the following objectives for the workforce plan:






High staff turnover within the first six months of employment

Develop a strong orientation and induction program that supports and develops new staff


Appoint mentors to support new staff

Turnover reduced by at least 10% in the first year.

Human resources

End 2016

Building internal capacity through a strong learning program

Identify professional development needs of each staff member and implement a formal program of professional development.

Turnover reduced by at least 10% in the first year.


Employee satisfaction with professional development.

Human resources

End 2016

Increase diversity within the workforce

Identify diverse media networks where positions can be advertised.


Explore options for flexible working arrangements.

Increase the number of females in the organisation by 20%.

Human resources

End July 2016

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a survey

Assume that, as part of the monitoring strategies that have been implemented as part of the workforce plan in the scenario, you are required to develop an organisational climate survey. While the organisational climate survey is designed to seek feedback in relation to the new initiatives outlined in the workforce plan, the intention is to also gain feedback on overall employee satisfaction to assist with future workforce planning initiatives.

Design a survey using SurveyMonkey that:

  • Includes at least 12 questions about general satisfaction with the workplace.
  • Includes at least eight questions about satisfaction with new initiatives.
  • allows employees to provide an answer based on a five-point scale.

2. Send an email to all staff (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and outline the purpose of the survey, give the link to the survey and give an appropriate deadline for completing it.

3. Develop a workforce plan review and evaluation briefing report

You are required to develop a workforce plan review and evaluation report. Your assessor will provide you with a template to use.

Your report should be written in clear and concise English and address the following components:

An analysis of workforce information data

Review the workforce information for King Edward VII 2018 provided to you and compare it to the 2017 data to identify:

  • Current staff turnover rate
  • Workforce characteristics, including age, gender and cultural background.
  • Comparison with 2018 data to identify changes and to assess performance against 2017 data.

A review of external trends

Using the Labour Market Information Portal, review current employment projections for Australia, as well as for the Australian education and training sector. Based on your review of the data, identify labour supply trends and areas of undersupply or oversupply relevant to the College and the likely impact of these trends on the demand for labour in relation to the College's workforce.

A review of government policy

Identify at least two government policy initiatives that affect labour demand and supply. Outline each of the policy initiatives that you have identified and how it affects labour demand and supply.

An analysis of focus group results.

Assume that, in addition to the survey you developed, you have already conducted a focus group to determine employee's satisfaction. Review all of the comments from the focus group and comment on overall employee satisfaction, as well as areas of need that should be considered as part of an ongoing review of workforce planning objectives.

Analysis of exit interviews.

Review all of the comments from the exit interviews and comment on reasons for leaving and that should be considered as part of an ongoing review of workforce planning objectives.

Effectiveness of the workforce plan

Based on your analysis above, evaluate the effectiveness of the workforce plan in terms of the objectives specified in the scenario information. Identify changes required to objectives and document at least two new objectives and actions for the upcoming year.

4. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and a brief outline of the purpose of the report.

Attach your briefing report to the email.

Interpret Market Trends and Developments Assignment 3 -

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain how each of the following internal and external sources of information can assist in forecasting market trends.

a. business and strategic objectives

b. marketing and other business performance

c. comparative market information

d. changes in technology

e. demographic changes

f. social and cultural factors

g. economic trends

h. government activities and legislative changes

i. industry trends

j. supplier data

2. Explain the purpose of the Australian Consumer Law and give at least one example of the implications of the Act for marketers.

3. Explain why marketers should take into account the Privacy Act 1988 when marketing to individuals.

4. Describe XLSTAT and two of its features

5. Describe SPSS Statistics and two of its features.

6. Outline the concept of the conversion rate of leads to sales.

7. Explain why it is important to measure the conversion rate of leads to sales at different times.

8. Describe each of the measures of central tendency.

9. Explain why the normal distribution curve a useful statistical concept.

10. Explain how to calculate the lifetime value of a customer.

11. What do measures of dispersion show? Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

12. Outline the Delphi technique.

13. Explain Chi-square testing.

14. Outline the purpose of sampling.

15. Explain probability and non-probability sampling.

16. Define the term the net present value of a customer.

17. Outline the terms correlation and positive and negative correlation.

18. Explain the term causation.

19. Explain the concept of frequency in statistical analysis and the use of frequency charts.

Assessment Task 2: Market analysis project

Task summary - You are required to interpret market trends and developments for a case study organisation. You are required to conduct an analysis of market data to determine the performance of the business, as well as that of competitors, and to prepare market and business forecasts. You are required to write a report on your market analysis and then create and give a presentation on its contents.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Carefully read the following:

King Edward VII College has been operating for 5 years. The College offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business and currently has around 500 students enrolled across all of its courses. Courses are offered at all levels from Certificate II to Graduate Diploma. The College is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state of the art facilities.

The College currently employs 24 staff members that include the CEO, a Marketing Manager and Marketing Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Operations and Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and approximately 14 trainers.

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a market analysis report

Review the following King Edward VII College documents:

  • Business Plan
  • Forecasts and Projections Spreadsheet
  • Profit and Loss Statements
  • Student analysis

Use the internet to identify sources of market data that you can use to assist you in identifying market trends and development for the industry area in which King Edward VII College operates.

This should include information and data about technological developments, demographic trends, economic trends, government regulations/legislation, environmental trends, social and cultural factors and any other relevant trends and developments.

Take notes on the sources that you use and what they show.

Use statistical analysis of market data that you have found to interpret market trends and developments.

Analyse the market trends and developments for their potential impact on the business.

Use measures of central tendency or dispersion and correlations between sets of data for quantitative interpretation of comparative market data.

Perform qualitative analysis of the comparative market information that you have sourced as a basis for reviewing the College's business performance.

Identify at least three competitors to the case study organisation. Document the name of the competitor's business, the products and services they offer and available information about their market share.

Identify and discuss at least two opportunities arising from the presence of competitors and at least two threats.

Analyse the performance data (forecasts and projections and profit and loss) to determine whether the current marketing activities have been successful.

Using the documents provided to you, identify over-performing and under-performing products and services that could be considered for development or removal.

Analyse the existing and emerging market needs based on the information that you have collected using forecasting techniques.

Use the Market Analysis Report Template to guide your work.

2. Create a PowerPoint presentation.

Use the information from your market analysis report to develop a PowerPoint (or other presentation software) presentation.

Your presentation must include a minimum of 10 slides, as well as graphics such as tables, charts and graphs to illustrate the market trends and developments you have analysed.

Your presentation should include notes and be designed for a presentation of approximately 15 minutes.

Save the presentation as Market Analysis Presentation.

3. Review your presentation

When you have completed your slides, fill out the Presentation Evaluation Checklist. You should find at least one problem with your presentation, so you can demonstrate your ability to assess your presentation for potential problems and take any necessary corrective action.

Make changes to your presentation as required and save this version as Reviewed Market Analysis Presentation.

4. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments and ask for the place, date and time of your presentation.

Attach the following to the email:

  • Market Analysis Report
  • Market Analysis Presentation
  • Completed Presentation Evaluation Checklist
  • Reviewed Market Analysis Presentation

5. Conduct the presentation.

Give the presentation as directed by your assessor.

Your presentation should last for approximately 15 minutes.

During the presentation, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills to assist with gaining and maintaining audience interest including:

  • Speaking clearly and concisely
  • Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
  • Asking questions to identify required information
  • Responding to questions as required
  • Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

The assignment is based on Workforce development plan and Human resource need project.In the assignment there were many tasks and the main topic which discussed is how to forma effective Workforce development plan to higher output and preparing a profitable Human resource need project to ensure healthy work environment.

Reference no: EM132358635

Questions Cloud

Delta pacific case study : Delta Pacific Case Study. Examine leadership's role in executing successful change. Determine how leadership impacts organizational culture during this change
Explain the concept of human resources outsourcing : BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes Assignment, Atlantis College of Management, Australia. Explain the concept of human resources
Where do most of the world hungry live : Where do most of the world's hungry live? What are some potential consequences and benefits to using biotechnologies in developing countries?
What it means to address racial domination intelligently : Examine historical and contemporary efforts to improve race relations. Evaluate what it means to address racial domination intelligently;
Describe five methods of recruiting staff : BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes, BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning, BSBMKG507 Interpret Market Trends and Developments
Using the readiness assessment tool for addictive behaviors : What are your thoughts on using the readiness assessment tool for addictive behaviors? What is the stage of readiness in each of these areas for Brian or Alyssa
Ethnic-cultural-religious and spiritual heritage : Describe how deeply you identify with your own ethnic, cultural, religious and spiritual heritage. Describe how this was passed on to you.
Creation of social disparity in family health : Identify key characteristics in creation of social disparity in family health.Prepare plan to combat social disparities in family health by interventions.
Values as human services professional : What expectations for social responsibility by Human Service Professionals are included in the standards, either explicitly or implicitly?



8/19/2019 2:07:31 AM

Each assessment task in this booklet consists of the following: Assessment Task Cover Sheet - This must be filled out, signed and submitted together with your assessment responses. If you are submitting hardcopy, the Cover Sheet should be the first page of each task’s submission. If you are submitting electronically, print out the cover sheet, fill it out and sign it, then scan this and submit the file.


8/19/2019 2:07:23 AM

The Assessment Task Cover Sheet will be returned to you with the outcome of the assessment, which will be satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). If your work has been assessed as being not satisfactory, your assessor will include written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet giving reasons why. Your assessor will also discuss this verbally with you and provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as per your RTO’s re-assessment policy.


8/19/2019 2:07:16 AM

Depending on the task, this may include - resubmitting incorrect answers to questions (such as short answer questions and case studies) resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the total outcome of the task, redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance and being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not satisfactorily completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.


8/19/2019 2:07:08 AM

Assessment Task Information - This gives you: a summary of the assessment task, information on the resources to be used, submission requirements, re-submission opportunities if required. Assessment Task Instructions - The instructions give you the questions you are to answer or tasks which you are to complete. Your answers need to be typed using software as indicated in the Assessment Task Instructions. Copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for your assessment task submission. Include the document’s header and footer. If you are submitting electronically, give the document a file name that includes the unit identification number, the task number, your name and the date.

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