Describe fine-needle aspiration of left upper lobe of lungs

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133653596


Based on the following documentation below in case 1 find the the relative weight for the MS DRG?

Case study 1: Patient is a 65-year-old male patient

The patient was admitted on 01/03/2024 and discharged on 01/05/2024 to home.

The gentleman has the chief compliant of coughing up blood. This was reviewed as an outpatient and now he is admitted for further inpatient diagnostic evaluation. The patient has no documented history regarding nicotine consumption. Due to the patient's chronic condition of emphysema, he is admitted for an inpatient stay for this diagnostic evaluation and procedure.

On the day of admission, he had a diagnostic bronchoscopy with brushings, washias higher Idk what additional code I added that makes it higher relative weight Please review. :ngs, and a fine-needle aspiration due his admission complaint of hemoptysis.

The bronchoscope was advanced into the left upper lobe. Brushings were taken followed by a transbronchial lavage to the area and then two fine-needle aspirations. The cytology report describes the findings from the fine-needle aspiration of the left upper lobe of the lung, bronchoalveolar lavage and bronchial brushings of the left upper lobe as well as bronchus brushing.

Final diagnoses: Oat cell carcinoma of the left upper lobe of the lung and emphysema.

Code all relevant ICD-10-CM diagnosis and ICD-10-PCS procedure codes in accordance with official guidelines and coding conventions.

Note: Review the clinical documentation and gray highlighted areas above, determine the root operation using this information and the ICD-10-PCS root operation definitions. Determine the surgical approach, how is a bronchoscopy typically entered into the patient's body?

Drainage is defined as taking or letting out fluids and/or gases from a body part. Cellular fluid was removed from the left bronchus and left upper lobe of the lung during the procedure. Root operations excision and extraction would not apply as a piece of the body part is not being removed, only cellular fluid (that is, cells).

Reference no: EM133653596

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