Describe financial management accounting processes

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Reference no: EM132295573

Queston: Most of the work described in your reading this week is central to the executive management roles of the organization, but the board needs to be engaged in the appropriate way at the appropriate times in financial management and accounting. Particularly, the board needs to be involved in obtaining the information needs of those within the company. In addition, the board needs to provide the organization's financial statements for external stakeholders.

For this Discussion, use the information in your Learning Resources and outside sources when justifying your responses to the Discussion questions.

Post your analysis of the role of a governing board with regard to the financial management accounting processes. Explain where and how the board should be involved in these financial processes. Justify your response.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- Resources.rar

Reference no: EM132295573

Questions Cloud

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Describe financial management accounting processes : Post your analysis of the role of a governing board with regard to the financial management accounting processes. Explain where and how the board should.
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Explain your job duties : Describe the history and development of the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx), and explain why it was formed


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