Describe file system and metadata thorough clear and concise

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131017585

Q1: Describe file system and metadata thorough, clear, and concise. How is metadata used in the file system (a) File Allocation Table (FAT) 32, (b) New Technology File System/Master File Table (NTFS/MFT), and (c) i-Node file system [Hint: Dr. Scoggins' WK7 supplementary material "WK7 File system.ppt" and "WK9_Linux System.ppt", Ch17 slides].

Q2: List all versions of RAID's (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 01, 10, 50, 54, 60, and more) in terms of parity, mirroring, striping, spanned volume, error checking, redundancy, recoverability, reliability, and any other special features. (Hint: WK8_Lecture_Note, Ch10 slides and textbook)

Q3: Describe the hardware, software, and communications components to be used in a device, like Verizon FIOs, to provide high speed Internet connection, TV, and Voice over Internet (VoIP) services. [hint: Dr. Scoggins' WK9 lecture]

Reference no: EM131017585

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