Describe feature of one precolumbian native american society

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Reference no: EM133765354

Homework: Writing

Read the source, then answer completes the homework in essay form.

Make sure to include quotes i gave more instructions below.

Post a response to the discussion question: What was North America like before the arrival of Europeans?

Part I (approx. 150 to 200 words): Describe the features of one of the major civilizations of Mesoamerica BE SPECIFIC: Clearly identify which civilization you are describing and include at least two specific details (key people, events, socioeconomic features, etc.) about that civilization.

Part II (approx. 150 to 200 words): Describe the features of one major Precolumbian Native American society that lived within the boundaries of what is today the United States. Again, BE SPECIFIC: Clearly identify which society you are describing and include at least two specific details (key people, events, socioeconomic features, etc.) about that society.

Part III (approx. 150 to 200 words): Describe one point of CONNECTION between Mesoamerica and North America. (NOTE: Again, by North America, I mean Indian cultures that resided within what is today the United States.) Primarily through trade networks, there were numerous points of connection between the societies of Mesoamerica and North America. Describe one example, or one piece of evidence, that illustrates economic or cultural exchange between Mesoamerica and North America.

Include two short quotations with corresponding citations from The American Yawp in two of the three paragraphs. Your citations should be MLA-style parenthetical citations that include "Locke and Wright" (the last names of the editors of the book) and the inclusive page number(s). For instance, if you're reading the online version of the textbook without page numbers, your citation should look like this: (Locke and Wright). If you're reading the PDF version with page numbers your citation should look like this (Locke and Wright 32) or (Locke and Wright 32-33).

Reference no: EM133765354

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