Describe family treasure that represent your family heritage

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Reference no: EM133505535

Homework: Cultural Study- Social Studies in Early Childhood


This homework requires you to conduct research on your own family and tell your cultural story!

For this homework, you will write a paper that addresses the degree to which cultural values and attitudes influence your beliefs, your relationships with others, and teaching young children.


Focus: Your cultural heritage and how it can influence your relationships and teaching

This homework requires you to conduct research on your own family and tell your cultural story! You will then link your findings to specific ways of building relationships and teaching young children.

Key Questions:

A. "How might my personal history, background, and experiences influence my relationships with children from diverse backgrounds?"
B. "How will this information influence my teaching practices?"

Research has shown that biases creep into our relationships and interactions with others. Many times, people do not realize that they may hold biases toward particular groups. It is through the personal reflection of one's own life, beliefs, and customs that we might be able to acknowledge them. Usually, once we self-reflect and acknowledge our personal biases, we can manage them more appropriately. For this homework, please reflect on your personal family history, background, and experiences and respond to the two questions above.

To begin your thinking, reference course materials. First consider the degree to which cultural values and attitudes influence your beliefs, and then how they influence your relationships with others.

Using course materials and explicit details, respond to the following sections:

Personal/Family History:

A. Country of origin: How many generations have been in the United States?
B. Arrival in the United States? How, why, when, language(s) spoken, where settled, why there?
C. Research the origin of your name(s)
D. Describe a family treasure that represents your family's cultural or ethnic heritage. Why do you keep this treasure?

Relationships with Others: Think and write about your experiences growing up and relationships with community neighbors, school teachers, friends, and others.

Venn Diagram: As part of your relationship with others, choose a friend who is from another culture and complete a Venn diagram comparing the two of you. Compare five or more traits.

Personal Beliefs: How might your personal history, background, and experiences influence your relationships with children and families from diverse backgrounds?

Choose option a, b or c. Provide explicit details.

I. Cultural, ethnic, linguistic, religious, economic, and political differences

II. Philosophies related to:

i. serving others
ii. inclusion versus separate education
iii. educational equity

III. Analyze your relationships with people who are different:

i. Are there groups of people with whom you know you have to work to develop a relationship? Why? (e.g., stereotypes)
ii. Do you have concerns about potentially working with children or their families?

Teaching Practices: How will this information influence your teaching practices? What can you do to ensure that your work with the children and their families will be successful?

Reference no: EM133505535

Questions Cloud

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